JUST ASK | 成长不烦恼
本文作者: Teens
Dear Dale,
My friend just got a dog, and I feel terrible. It’s all she talks about, and it makes me feel bad because I don’t have a dog.
Dear Upset,
Having a dog is a lot of fun, but you shouldn’t feel bad just because your friend has something you want.
We all go through life meeting or seeing people who have nicer homes than us, have better jobs, or, in your case, see your friend own a cute dog but you don’t have one.
It’s completely natural to want things that we can’t have, but instead, we should appreciate (感激) what we already have, or feel happy for the other person who has the thing we want.
That said, owning a dog is a lot more hard work than it appears to be. Dogs need constant (不断的) care, attention, exercise, and love. There’s also a lot of extra cleaning you’d need to do around your home if you owned one. Dog hair and dirty paw prints (爪印) would be a daily burden (负担), and that isn’t to mention the cleanup involved if your pet decided to use your home as its own private bathroom (浴室).
It’s great to spend time with dogs though, so why not ask your friend if you could join her when she takes her dog out for a walk? You’d get to spend some quality time with your friend and get some exercise by walking.
And who knows, you may eventually be trusted to take care of the dog for a few days if your friend goes on vacation.
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