纸质报纸 电子报纸
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本文作者: TEENS高考研究小组

Long ago, people happily lived under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very 1 , as they were wealthy and had no problems.

The king decided to travel and visit faraway places of great historical importance. He chose to travel by foot, 2 he could talk to his people. People from these areas were very happy to have a 3 with their king.

After several weeks, he 4 to the palace. He was quite happy to have visited many places and seen his people. 5 , he felt a lot of pain in his 6 because it was his first long-distance trip on foot. He 7 to his ministers (大臣) that the roads were covered in stones and weren’t 8 . He said he was very 9 about the people who walked along them.

He made an order to 10 the roads of the whole country with 11 so that people would feel happier and more comfortable. His ministers were very 12 to hear his order as thousands of cows would have to be 13 for leather (皮革) and it would also cost a lot of money.

A wise man from the ministry came to the king and said he had another 14 . The minister asked the king: “Why do you want to kill so many cows to cover the road with leather? Why not cut a piece of leather in the right 15 to cover your feet?”

The king was 16 by this idea and praised the minister. He ordered that a pair of leather shoes were to be made for himself and for each of his countrymen.

Many of us 17 our surroundings (环境) and never understand that we can make a 18 ourselves. Changes are unavoidable, and they should 19 us. We cannot or should not 20 others to make them.

1. A. close B. polite C. happy D. smart

2. A. as if B. so that C. while D. before

3. A. meeting B. trip C. discussion D. conversation

4. A. came B. returned C. hurried D. headed

5. A. Besides B. Meanwhile C. However D. Instead

6. A. heart B. feet C. toes D. back

7. A. shouted B. apologized C. explained D. complained

8. A. safe B. comfortable C. straight D. convenient

9. A. worried B. doubtful C. curious D. certain

10. A. cover B. replace C. build D. repair

11. A. stones B. sand C. wood D. leather

12. A. angry B. surprised C. nervous D. sad

13. A. killed B. sold C. raised D. exchanged

14. A. reason B. task C. idea D. result

15. A. place B. position C. shape D. order

16. A. confused B. disappointed C. shocked D. amazed

17. A. criticize B. love C. harm D. protect

18. A. chance B. purpose C. rule D. change

19. A. benefit from B. come from

C. relate to D. go with

20. A. depend on B. work with

C. turn to D. believe in


A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery (手术). He answered the call as soon as possible, changed his clothes and went 1 to the surgery block. He found the boy’s 2 pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor.

On seeing him, the father 3 , “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in 4 ? Don’t you have any sense of 5 ?”

The doctor smiled and said, “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after 6 the call and now, I wish you’d 7 down so that I can do my work.”

“Calm down? 8 your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son died while 9 for doctor, what would you do?” said the father angrily. The doctor 10 again and replied, “We will do our best by God’s grace and you should also 11 for your son’s healthy life.”

“Giving advice when we’re not concerned is so 12 ,” murmured the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out and said happily, “Thank goodness! Your son is 13 !” And without waiting for the father’s 14 , he carried on as he ran by saying, “If you have any questions, ask the nurse.”

“Why is he so 15 ? He couldn’t wait a few minutes 16 I could ask about my son’s state?” asked the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor 17 . The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, “His son 18 yesterday in a road accident, he was at the 19 when we called him for your son’s 20 . And after he saved your son’s life, he left to finish his son’s burial (葬礼).”

1. A. happily B. directly C. quietly D. slowly

2. A. father B. teacher C. uncle D. friend

3. A. greeted B. shouted C. talked D. thought

4. A. place B. charge C. control D. danger

5. A. shame B. direction

C. responsibility D. achievement

6. A. receiving B. finding C. making D. hearing

7. A. sit B. get C. calm D. settle

8. A. What about B. What if C. If only D. How come

9. A. searching B. looking C. waiting D. sending

10. A. smiled B. frowned C. nodded D. apologized

11. A. thank B. work C. pray D. come

12. A. useful B. funny C. hard D. easy

13. A. gone B. saved C. recovered D. found

14. A. reply B. idea C. advice D. appearance

15. A. nervous B. casual (随意的)

C. tired D. arrogant (傲慢的)

16. A. so that B. as long as C. even if D. ever since

17. A. left B. arrived C. returned D. delayed

18. A. bumped B. fought C. died D. injured

19. A. court B. office C. burial D. hospital

20. A. life B. help C. health D. surgery



1-5 CBDBC 6-10 BDBAA

11-15 DBACC 16-20 DADBA

1. C。根据第一句以及本空后面的“as they were wealthy and had no problems”可知这个王国的人们很快乐,因此选C。

2. B。此空连接的两个分句为因果关系,意为:国王选择步行,这样便可以和他的子民进行交谈,因此选B。

3. D。由上文“talk to his people”可知此处应选 D。

4. B。前文提到国王徒步去访问遥远的地方,后文说他很高兴参观了这么多地方,因此此处应为“返回到宫殿中”,选B。

5. C。上一句说的是国王很高兴参观了这么多地方,此句说的是感觉到疼痛,两句为转折关系,故选C。

6. B。根据此空的后半句“因为这是他第一次徒步长途旅行”可以推出此处应为:他感到脚很痛,因此选B。

7. D。因为国王脚很痛,所以此处应为“向大臣们抱怨到”,选D。shout 呼喊;apologize 道歉;explain 解释;complain 抱怨。

8. B。前文提到国王这次长途旅行之后脚很痛,因此此处应为“向大臣们抱怨路不舒服”,同时也和were covered in stones对应,故选B。

9. A。根据后文so that people would feel happier and more comfortable可知国王很为自己的子民着想,下命令给道路做一些改变,因此此处应为“担心自己的子民”,故选A。

10-11. AD。根据第五段“Why do you want to kill so many cows to cover the road with leather?”可知此处应选“cover”,同时可知第11个空应选leather,第13个空应选择killed。

12. B。根据后半句“as thousands of cows would have to be 13 for leather and it would also cost a lot of money”可知国王的这个命令会需要花费很多钱,再结合大臣的身份特点,应选择B,意为“大臣们感到很吃惊”。

13. A。参见第10题。

14. C。根据后文可知这个智者是在向国王建言,提出另一个解决方案,因此应选择C。

15. C。根据此空后面to cover your feet,可知应该是裁剪一块正确形状的皮革来覆盖脚,选C。place 地点,地方;position 位置;order 顺序。

16. D。根据后一句可知国王对智者的这个想法是赞同

的,因此应选D,意为“惊叹的”。confused 迷惑的;

disappointed 失望的;shocked 震惊的。

17. A。此段是针对上文所讲的故事的议论,国王对道路情况不满,所以下令要把道路都铺上皮革,对应到议论部分应是“不满于、批判周围的环境”,因此选A。

18. D。根据后一句Changes are unavoidable可知此处应选D。

19. B。在故事中国王最后的做法不是改变外界,而是改变了自己,给自己做了皮鞋,因此此处应为“改变应该来自我们自己”。

20. A。根据第19题可知此处应为“我们不能也不应该依赖他人去做改变”,选A。


1-5 BABDC 6-10 ACBCA

11-15 CDBAD 16-20 AACCD

1. B。由前文可知这是一个紧急手术,所以医生接过电话换好衣服,径直(directly)走进了手术室。

2. A。由后文得出男孩的父亲一直等候在手术室外。

3. B。一见到他,男孩的父亲咆哮:“你怎么这么久才来?你不知道我儿子危在旦夕吗?难道你没有一点责任感嘛?”语气十分强烈,用B选项shouted最合适。

4. D。in place 在位置上;in charge 掌权中;in control 在控制中;in danger 处于危险中。

5. C。a sense of ……的感觉。Shame 羞愧;direction方向;responsibility 责任;achievement 成就。这里是男孩父亲在质问医生有没有责任感。

6. A。医生微笑并说:“对不起,我当时不在医院,我收到电话后马上就赶来了……”。所以此处应选A。

7. C。由上下文可知,医生要求男孩父亲冷静下来,C选项符合文意,且后文中父亲反问也用到了calm down。

8. B。what about 以为如何(提出建议或用以引出话题);what if 要是……又怎样;;if only 要是……就好了;how come 怎么会。男孩父亲想说的是:“要是是你的儿子现在在手术室,你能冷静下来么?”

9. C。男孩父亲质问医生,如果你自己的儿子在等待医生的时候过世了,你会怎么办。A选项searching for和B选项looking for都有寻找的意思;D选项sending for 派人去请。

10. A。由again可知这个动作医生之前做过。第三段段

首处,“the doctor smiled and said …”,因此选A。frowned 蹙眉;nodded 点头;apologized 道歉。

11. C。pray for 为……祈祷,医生告诉父亲应该为儿子的健康生命而祈祷。thank for 感谢;work for 为……工作;come for 因……而来。

12. D。男孩父亲小声道:“不关自己事时给别人建议真是容易。”D选项easy最合适。

13. B。由后文可知手术成功,男孩活过来了,所以“your son is saved”符合文意。

14. A。医生说完话,没有等男孩父亲回复便匆匆离开,


15. D。联系上下文可知男孩父亲认为医生十分傲慢,

故选D。arrogant 傲慢的;nervous 紧张的;casual 随意的;tired 疲劳的。

16. A。父亲说“他不能等几分钟以便我问问我儿子的情况吗?”so that 以便;as long as 只要;even if 即使;ever since 从……以来。

17. A。当男孩父亲看到护士并且问话的时候医生已经离开了,所以A选项正确。

18. C。联系上下文可推断,医生的儿子在前一天的车

祸这种离世了,因此选C。bump 撞上;fought 对抗;injured 受伤。

19. C。burial 葬礼。医生接到电话之前正在自己孩子的葬礼上。

20. D。护士哭着说:“他的儿子昨天在车祸中离世了。


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