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本文作者: 沈阳 常虹 TEENS高考研究小组

There’s no question that Walt Disney changed the world. As the man behind Mickey Mouse and the entire Disney enterprise, his life’s work has 1 children and adults for decades. And when he 2 due to lung cancer in 1966, the world truly lost a great person.

3 , Disney made an impact in another way. Legend has it that he wrote one last 4 before his death, said Disney historian Jim Korkis. Titled “TV Projects In Production: Ready for Production or Possible for Escalation and Story,” the note 5 four names: Ron Miller, 2 Way Down Cellar, Kurt Russell, and CIA-Mobley.

Still, the note’s true 6 remained a mystery for decades. What did Disney’s last message to the world intend to 7 ?

According to former Disney archivist Dave Smith, who 8 the note, Disney was listing possible 9 projects for his company. And one name 10 out: Kurt Russell.

Disney had expressed his 11 of the then-15-year-old’s talent before, praising him on television and 12 ensuring that the boy received a studio contract (合同). In October 1966, just months before his 13 , Disney even predicted “a great 14 future” for Russell. But in the end, it was Disney’s last 15 that ended up launching Russell’s career as an actor.

Russell 16 this during a 2013 episode of The View. “I assume, as [does] everybody else, that he was 17 about some movie that he was thinking about having me in … I don’t know what to make of it 18 that,” Russell said.

The young actor would go on to star in dozens of Disney 19 , including The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band. So in the end, we have Disney to 20 for one of the most memorable talents on our screens.

1. A. guided B. inspired C. challenged D. taught

2. A. fell down B. passed down

C. passed away D. carried away

3. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Meanwhile

4. A. book B. invitation C. report D. message

5. A. listed B. counted C. matched D. checked

6. A. rule B. function C. benefit D. meaning

7. A. speak B. convey C. mention D. prove

8. A. read B. wrote C. found D. accepted

9. A. future B. stable C. normal D. difficult

10. A. broke B. worked C. made D. stood

11. A. love B. concern C. need D. requirement

12. A. personally B. naturally C. certainly D. practically

13. A. loss B. death C. retirement D. disease

14. A. acting B. singing C. dancing D. showing

15. A. contract B. project C. ideas D. words

16. A. arranged B. confirmed C. promoted D. questioned

17. A. inquiring B. talking C. arguing D. worrying

18. A. regardless of B. better than C. other than D. along with

19. A. magazines B. broadcasts C. programs D. films

20. A. answer B. apply C. ask D. thank


My mother spent her childhood with her father on their farm in the US. She learned how to mend fences, plow (耕犁) fields, and make cheese. And she learned farm life doesn’t offer 1 rewards, but if you stick with it, the effort and the long days 2 .

My grandpa spent his later years living on a corner of the 3 , named Cherry Ridge, where they 4 riding horses together every Saturday before he died in 2011. Since that time, the farm has 5 into Cherry Ridge Therapeutic Learning Programs, a center for learning, horseback riding and companionship (陪伴).

“I am a ‘road scholar’, learning in an experiential way,” Mom told me. “I feel I was 6 with eyes to see the needs of a(n) 7 spirit,” she added. She has partnered with a 8 called Working to Empower Students Together (WEST), which helps young people with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, or unstable home environments.

Mom’s latest project, the Farm Day Grief Camp, was 9 out of her grieving (悲伤) after the 10 of my grandpa.

“I’m an adult woman who lost my 11 only six years ago,” Mom said. “There is nothing 12 than nature and animals to help with the 13 process.” The camp’s first visitors were five kids mourning (哀悼) the loss of a 7-year-old who died of cancer. 14 included painting and recalling the child’s favorite things; and a balloon launch (发射) they called Sentiments to Heaven.

“Each camper wrote one thing they wished they could 15 with their departed (去世的) loved one on their 16 ,” Mom said. Children living with physical disabilities are also 17 at Cherry Ridge. Recently, a student in a wheelchair smiled ear-to-ear as he led the farm’s mini horses around.

Mom’s vision (展望) 18 children, ensuring the lessons she learned on the farm will be 19 for years to come. I know my grandpa would be 20 .

1. A. good B. real C. different D. instant

2. A. run out B. come back C. go by D. pay off

3. A. farm B. school C. town D. country

4. A. imagined B. avoided C. enjoyed D. missed

5. A. developed B. divided C. looked D. bumped

6. A. unable B. confused C. gifted D. annoyed

7. A. happy B. curious C. determined D. wounded

8. A. course B. program C. game D. product

9. A. born B. ready C. found D. grown

10. A. illness B. trouble C. loss D. failure

11. A. mom B. dad C. husband D. child

12. A. better B. worse C. easier D. stranger

13. A. learning B. thinking C. relaxing D. grieving

14. A. Trainings B. Activities C. Methods D. Rules

15. A. share B. agree C. play D. provide

16. A. painting B. balloon C. door D. book

17. A. reliable B. upset C. cautious D. welcome

18. A. protects B. challenges C. inspires D. questions

19. A. abandoned B. changed C. preserved D. recognized

20. A. worried B. proud C. thankful D. surprised



1-5 BCADA 6-10 DBCAD

11-15 AABAD 16-20 BBCDD

1. B。本文主要讲述了Walt Disney的贡献,所以这里应该指的是他对人们的积极影响,选项中B最符合语境,A选项有点过于夸大他的影响。

2. C。根据“lost a great person”可知,Disney去世了,故选C。pass away 去世;pass down 遗传,流传;carry away 使激动,使冲昏头脑。

3. A。上文表明Disney的逝世十分可惜,下文突出表现他的影响,前后语义转折,however符合逻辑。

4. D。这里对应第三段的“What did Disney’s last message to the world intend to 7 ?”

5. A。根据后面列出的四个名字可知应选A,list 列出(清单)。

6. D。下文谈论的是Disney写下这张便条的真实意图。

7. B。Convey 表达,传递。句意为:Disney的这张便条想向人们传达什么呢?

8. C。B选项排除,因为便条是Disney写的;D选项不合逻辑;由下文可知,Dave Smith是了解便条最多的人,所以最为可能是发现者;A选项排除,因为便条可被多人阅读,无法突出Dave Smith身份的特殊性。

9. A。下文以便条上所列人物之一Kurt Russell为例来谈Disney便条可能包含的真实含义,由下文“In October 1966, just months before his 13 , Disney even predicted “a great 14 future” for Russell.”Kurt Russell的成功大部分都是在Disney去世后实现的,所以Dave Smithr认为这个便条更多的是Disney对公司未来的规划,所以选A。

10. D。break out 爆发,突然发生;work out 解决,算出;make out 理解,辨认出;stand out 突出,杰出,醒目。根据下文谈到的Kurt Russell的成就,可知D最为合适。

11. A。由下文“praising him on television ... Disney even predicted “a great 14 future” for Russell”可知Disney对Kurt Russell的欣赏,所以A最符合语境。

12. A。上文提到了Disney对Kurt Russell表演天赋的赞赏,所以他保证Kurt Russell能与工作室签约,这是他的个人承诺,故选A。

13. B。上文提到Disney是1966年去世的,故选B。

14. A。由下文“Russell’s career as an actor”可知Kurt Russell是演员,故选A。

15. D。上文迪士尼先生临终前几个月曾经预测过Kurt Russell将拥有“a great ____ future”,故选D,指Disney说过的话。

16. B。此处承接上文,下文Kurt Russell所说的话印证了Disney对他的影响,故选B,confirm 进一步确认。

17. B。这里指Kurt Russell认为,Disney在便条中说的是他想让Kurt Russell参演的某一部电影。

18. C。regardless of 不管,不顾; better than 比……更好;other than 除……之外;along with 随同……一起。根据句意“____这个,我不知道还能怎么解释它。”C最符合句意,make of 理解,解释。

19. D。上文提到movie,所以这里是film。

20. D。结合全文可知,Disney培养了Kurt Russell如此优秀的一名演员,所以我们应该感谢他。


1-5 DDACA 6-10 CDBAC

11-15 BADBA 16-20 BDCCB

1. D。逗号前后句是转折关系,后半句说的是坚持下去就有回报。所以,此空要与后半句呈现对比关系,所以应当是即刻的回报。

2. D。上下两个半句要互相对应,pay off 对应上文的

reward,意为“取得成功,有所回报”;run out 用完,耗尽;go by (从……旁)经过;时间流逝。

3. A。由首段“My mother spent her childhood with her father on their farm in the US. ”可知,母亲与爷爷一起在农场度过了她的童年,所以此处是farm。

4. C。后半句的意思是:在2011年爷爷去世前,他们每周六都去骑马,所以逻辑上应当是享受骑马,而不是避免或者错过。

5. A。bump into 无意中遇到、碰到;divide into 分成;look into 调查,观察;此处逻辑上应当是,这个农场发展成……。

6. C。此段整体上是讲母亲帮助一些失去了亲人或者朋友的人度过悲伤。母亲用一双____发现____的需要,将选项依次填入,confused填入后是迷惑的双眼,表示看不清到底是谁需要帮助,annoyed填入后表示生气的双眼,不符合逻辑。

7. D。文章后半段是母亲帮助一些残疾人等需要帮助的人们,显然这些人都是受过伤的人(精神或者肉体)。

8. B。后面的 Working to Empower Students Together (WEST)显然是一个项目,不是游戏也不是产品,虽然course在这个句子中逻辑通顺,但是后文写了很多都是活动,并不是课程,故可以排除。

9. A。Born out of 脱胎于;诞生于;grown out of 起因于,来自于;由……而来。Ready与found和out of 并不能组成搭配。所以最符合逻辑的就是A选项。

10. C。由前文可知,母亲于2011年失去了爷爷。

11. B。同上。

12. A。没有什么比大自然和动物治疗悲伤更……了。后文提到这个项目还是很有效果的,所以此处worse不符合逻辑,stranger也不符合。虽然easier语法上说得通,但是作者想表达的并不是更简单,而是更好。

13. D。后文中讲述了五个孩子来悼念死去的朋友,因此这是一个悼念的仪式,所以是grieving。

14. B。下文继续介绍了活动有什么,不是训练、方法或者规则。所以此处是activities。

15. A。每位参加的人员都要写下一件事,按照逻辑是与亲人分享。Play虽然能与with搭配,但是亲人已经去世,无法玩耍,故排除。

16. B。依据上文提到的发射气球,这里应是balloon。

17. D。后文提到一位坐轮椅的学生来到营地,并且度过了非常开心的时光,所以应当是welcome。

18. C。句意为:母亲的展望……了孩子们。A、B、D选项都不符合文意。因此选C,意思是“激励”。

19. C。分析上下文,母亲确保她在农场所学到的东西是要继续保留下去的,因此C最合适。

20. B。文章用了很多笔墨写母亲和爷爷在农场度过的时光,看到母亲所做的一切,爷爷应该很是骄傲。

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