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本文作者: TEENS高考研究小组

One day, a man saw an old lady who was sitting inside her car at the side of the road. Though it was dark, he could see she needed 1 . So he pulled up in front of her car and 2 .

Even with the smile on his face, she was 3 . Was he going to hurt her? “I’ll help you 4 your car, ma’am. By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson,” he said.

As Anderson was 5 a spare tire to her car, the lady rolled down the window and 6 to talk to him. She couldn’t 7 him enough for coming to her aid.

Anderson just smiled as he put his tools 8 . The lady asked how much she owed him. He told her that if she really wanted to 9 him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the 10 they needed. He waited until she started her car and drove off.

A few miles down the road, the lady saw a small 11 . She went in for a bite to eat. The 12 who came over had a sweet smile. The lady 13 the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the pains and aches change her 14 when she served her.

The lady 15 her meal and paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get 16 , but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was 17 by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be.

There was a 18 on the napkin (餐巾): “You don’t owe me anything. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: do not let this chain of 19 end with you.”

Under the 20 were four more $100 bills.

1. A. rest B. help

C. advice D. encouragement

2. A. dropped off B. passed by

C. got out D. looked around

3. A. worried B. surprised

C. disappointed D. confused

4. A. push B. clean

C. remove D. start

5. A. fitting B. driving

C. showing D. making

6. A. continued B. stopped C. began D. waited

7. A. admire B. thank C. trust D. understand

8. A. off B. up C. on D. away

9. A. pay B. send C. get D. turn

10. A. food B. money C. assistance D. courage

11. A. shop B. cafe C. market D. hotel

12. A. manager B. guest C. cleaner D. waitress

13. A. noticed B. admitted C. agreed D. remembered

14. A. mind B. habit C. attitude D. voice

15. A. prepared B. finished C. requested D. served

16. A. dishes B. menus C. food D. change

17. A. gone B. lost C. done D. left

18. A. check B. book C. report D. note

19. A. secrets B. love C. belief D. trust

20. A. table B. chair C. napkin D. plate


It seemed like any other day when fitness instructor Chantelle Lister set off to work at 7 am. It was the school holidays, so her daughters Loren and Mollie, 17 and 6, and 11-year-old son Charlie were still 1 in bed.

But within an hour, the family home in Kettering, England, went up in flames (火焰). The 2 started downstairs, and deadly smoke started 3 the second floor, where the children were sleeping.

4 , the family’s beloved dog, Bailey, rushed to their 5 . Although the thick smoke 6 to climb the staircase, the 4-year-old dog made his way 7 and kept barking outside Loren’s door until she 8 .

Loren opened the 9 to thick black smoke covering the stairs and the sound of smashing (粉碎) glass. Struggling to 10 , the teenager ran into the other 11 and managed to get the 12 children out through a window and onto the roof.

After successfully raising the 13 , Bailey ran back downstairs to try to get out. 14 , he was trapped in the 15 house.

“The firemen pulled Bailey out and tried to 16 him, but he was dead,” Chantelle said. “They put a blanket over him and I kept 17 , ‘That could have been one of my children.’ Bailey was such a character and so 18 . The children wouldn’t be here 19 him. He’s my hero and I’ll be 20 to him forever.”

1. A. sleepy B. asleep

C. awake D. silent

2. A. light B. smoke

C. fire D. noise

3. A. filling B. flowing

C. leaving D. escaping

4. A. Finally B. Thankfully

C. Naturally D. Obviously

5. A. yard B. kitchen

C. danger D. rescue

6. A. started B. failed

C. happened D. stopped

7. A. out B. through

C. upstairs D. downstairs

8. A. watched out B. set off

C. went away D. woke up

9. A. eyes B. mouth C. door D. window

10. A. breathe B. walk C. speak D. stand

11. A. house B. classroom C. bathroom D. bedroom

12. A. angry B. curious C. terrified D. confused

13. A. alarm B. voice C. sound D. child

14. A. Surprisingly B. Unfortunately

C. Occasionally D. Gradually

15. A. shining B. exploding C. broken D. burning

16. A. save B. protect C. move D. comfort

17. A. apologizing B. thinking C. explaining D. expecting

18. A. interesting B. loving C. strange D. cute

19. A. beyond B. besides C. without D. despite

20. A. loyal B. convenient C. available D. grateful



1-5 BCADA 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 BDACB 16-20 DADBC

1. B。由下文可知,这位老妇人需要帮助。这里与下文“She couldn’t 7 him enough for coming to her aid.”相呼应。

2. C。句意为:男人在她的车前停了下来,并且____。男人只有从车里走下来才能帮助老妇人,故选C。

3. A。从下文“Was he going to hurt her?”可以推知,尽管男人面带微笑,老妇人仍然有点害怕。

4. D。这里对应下文“He waited until she started her car and drove off.”根据下文男人换轮胎也可以推知,车子轮胎出故障没法启动了,故选D。

5. A。fit 安装,fit a spare tire 安装备用轮胎。

6. C。由上文可知,老妇人在此之前并未和男人聊天,故选C。

7. B。男人帮助了这位妇人,她要表达感谢。

8. D。put away 放好,收好。安装完轮胎后当然是把工具收好了。

9. A。由上文可知,妇女很感谢男人,要报答他。这一用法也对应倒数第二段的“If you really want to pay me back ...”,pay back 回报。

10. C。此处对应上文 “She couldn’t 7 him enough for coming to her aid.”里的aid一词,assistance意为“帮助”。

11. B。由下文可知,老妇人开车经过一个可以吃饭的地方。cafe 咖啡馆,小餐馆 。

12. D。此处对应下文 “The lady 13 the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant”。

13. A。由下文“the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant”可知,老妇人注意到女服务员怀孕了。

14. C。由上文“The 12 who came over had a sweet smile.”可知,女服员尽管怀孕了身体不适,但还是坚持微笑着服务客人,故选C。

15. B。吃完饭才能结账,所以应选B。

16. D。上文提到老妇人给了服务员100美元,但是这顿饭远不到100美元,所以女服务员必须找零。change 零钱。

17. A。句意为:等女服务员回来的时候,老妇人已经走远了,选gone。

18. D。由下文得知,老妇人留下的是一张便条。

19. B。整篇文章的主题是传递爱,因此选“love”。

20. C。由上文“There was a 18 on the napkin”可知,便条写在餐巾纸上,那么钱就应该在餐巾纸下面了。


1-5 BCABD 6-10 ACDCA 11-15 DCABD 16-20 ABBCD

1. B。根据“It was the school holidays”以及下文的“where the children were sleeping”可推测早上7点孩子们应该还在床上睡觉,故选B。

2-3 CA。句意为:____是从楼下开始的,致命的烟雾开始在二楼弥漫,此处fire 与前文flames对应,fill 充满,填充,弥漫,符合语境。

4. B。根据上下文可知,上文描述的情况非常危急,而在这紧急关头,小狗Bailey救了孩子们。选项里只有B最符合语境。

5. D。rush to 火速赶往……;急着做……。由下文可知小狗救了小孩,所以D选项“救援”最合适。

6. A。这里对应第二段的“deadly smoke started 3 the second floor”,浓烟开始顺着楼梯往上窜,选A。

7. C。通过第二段的“the second floor, where the children were sleeping”可知孩子们睡在二层,小狗要想在Loren的门外大声吠叫,需要爬上楼。

8. D。Loren听到狗叫声醒来才能进行第四段的动作,wake up 醒来。

9. C。Loren只有打开房门,走出去,才能去叫醒其他的人。

10. A。由生活常识可知,在浓烟弥漫的情况下人们会感到呼吸困难,故选A。

11. D。其他两个孩子还在睡觉,只能是在卧室,故选D。

12. C。孩子们被困在房子里,应该是恐惧的,害怕的,故选C。

13. A。上文提到小狗通过犬吠把Loren唤醒,所以应该选A,raise an alarm 发出警报,敲警钟。

14. B。根据下文“he was trapped in the 15 house”可知在救了小主人们之后,小狗被困在了房子里,这是一件很不幸的事,故选B。Unfortunately可惜地,不幸地,遗憾地;Occasionally 偶然,偶而;Gradually 逐渐地。

15. D。文中房子处于着火状态,所以D项最为适合。

16. A。句意为:消防员把Bailey拉出来并试图____它,不过它还是死了。结合句意可推知这里应该是要救Bailey。

17. B。此句指的是当母亲看到Bailey为救自己孩子而丧命时,一直不断地在想,所以选B项。

18. B。该句为对Bailey的评价,由它为保护主人而死可推知,所以此处应该选B,loving 忠实的,忠诚的,亲爱的。

19. C。句意为:没有Bailey孩子们就不会活下来。

20. D。小狗Bailey救了孩子们,母亲自然是想要感谢它,be grateful to sb 对某人心存感激。

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