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本文作者: TEENS高考研究小组

One day, I was eating an apple when suddenly, I felt an apple seed in my mouth. I wanted to throw it away. But 1 , I looked at the apple seed – really looked. It was dark brown, almost black. Its shape 2 me of a candle flame. A little dark brown candle flame …

I realized I was 3 an apple tree in my hand – a little seed with the 4 to become a beautiful tree and 5 thousands of fruits and seeds, each able to grow a new tree again. 6 , then, wasn’t the world filled with apple trees?

It is a(n) 7 of nature that only a few of these seeds grow. Most 8 do or are destroyed early on in their growth. I put the apple seed on the table and bent down to 9 how the light was reflected from it, this tiny wonder of nature. I wondered, how many seeds would a farmer have to 10 for one seed to grow into a tree? How much 11 would it require?

Then it occurred to me that it’s quite often so with people’s 12 . Wonderful ideas come to our minds but they 13 too soon. We don’t protect them as we should. And then one day we 14 why our dreams never come true. The seeds of our dreams could never 15 on their own. Like the planting of an apple tree, it might take many 16 – such as the application sent a hundred times for that one good job, 17 the many people you meet in life before a true friend can be 18 .

I picked up the apple seed again – but instead of 19 it away I took an empty flower pot, poured some earth into it, and 20 the seed. I thought that maybe one day it would grow into a proud tree, and I would never know if I didn’t try.

1. A. still B. instead

C. also D. rather

2. A. warned B. convinced

C. reminded D. informed

3. A. catching B. expecting

C. imagining D. holding

4. A. potential B. courage

C. intention D. patience

5. A. raise B. bear C. gain D. eat

6. A. When B. How C. What D. Why

7. A. rule B. step C. order D. game

8. A. nearly B. just C. never D. always

9. A. prove B. see C. show D. guess

10. A. bury B. collect

C. produce D. save

11. A. money B. earth C. work D. water

12. A. consequences B. dreams

C. chances D. faiths

13. A. increase B. change C. die D. appear

14. A. explain B. doubt C. decide D. wonder

15. A. grow B. develop C. live D. destroy

16. A. choices B. goals

C. tries D. challenges

17. A. or B. yet C. so D. as

18. A. kept B. helped C. noticed D. found

19. A. putting B. throwing C. taking D. giving

20. A. used B. removed C. studied D. planted


In our family, we have a special way of telling our sons about Santa without them feeling lied to. It involves both good 1 and Christmas spirit.

When they are 6 or 7, I take them “for milkshakes” at the local 2 . We get a booth, order our drinks, and the following speech is made:

“You sure have 3 a lot this year. Not only are you taller, but I can see that your 4 has grown too. In fact, I think you are ready to 5 a Santa Claus yourself.

“You have probably noticed that most of the Santas you see are people 6 like him. Well, now YOU are ready to do your first job as a Santa.”

The children usually 7 someone they know. They choose to find something that the target needs, and 8 let them know where it came from.

My oldest chose the old lady next door. He 9 that she came out every morning to get her 10 in bare feet, so he decided she 11 slippers. We went to the supermarket and 12 a warm pair of slippers for her. He wrote on a card, “Merry Christmas from Santa”, then put the 13 under her gate. The next morning, she was out getting her paper, wearing the slippers. He was 14 .

Over the years, he chose a good number of 15 , always coming up with 16 presents just for them. One year, he polished up his bike and gave it to one of our friend’s daughters. This family is very 17 . When she saw the bike on the yard with a big bow (蝴蝶结) on it, the look on her face was almost as 18 as the one on my son’s.

When it came time for my next son to 19 the “Santa club”, my oldest came along to the cafe and helped with the speech. None of the club’s members have ever felt that they had been 20 to – because they were let in on (让……知道) the Secret of Being a Santa.

1. A. deeds B. excuses C. mood D. stories

2. A. hotel B. bookstore

C. supermarket D. cafe

3. A. grown B. seen C. developed D. improved

4. A. body B. heart C. face D. skill

5. A. meet B. find C. become D. change

6. A. dressed up B. made believe

C. putting on D. well received

7. A. follow B. pick C. appreciate D. recognize

8. A. usually B. just C. seldom D. never

9. A. understood B. admitted C. regarded D. noticed

10. A. dog B. paper C. food D. magazine

11. A. accepted B. loved C. needed D. gathered

12. A. made B. bought

C. borrowed D. collected

13. A. card B. note C. paper D. package

14. A. relaxed B. curious C. overjoyed D. peaceful

15. A. targets B. friends C. gifts D. members

16. A. simple B. unique C. expensive D. mysterious

17. A. poor B. rich C. common D. funny

18. A. shy B. awkward C. good D. strange

19. A. manage B. quit C. support D. join

20. A. objected B. adjusted C. lied D. compared

Life saying

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

By Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803-1882, American thinker, author and poet)



Clever joke

Man: God, how long is a million years?

God: To me, it’s about a minute.

Man: God, how much is a million dollars?

God: To me it’s a penny.

Man: God, may I have a penny?

God: Wait a minute.



1-5 BCDAB 6-10 DACBA 11-15 CBCDA 16-20 CADBD

1. B。前后两句是转折关系,作者本来想要扔掉苹果籽,但相反的是作者把它认真地拿起来看,故选B。

2. C。remind sb of sth 使某人想起某物,最符合语境。

3. D。作者手里拿着苹果籽,但是却感觉到自己手里仿佛拿着一颗苹果树,D项hold与in my hand搭配最合理。

4. A。这里指一颗小种子拥有长成一颗大树、结出成千上万的水果和种子的潜力,而不是勇气,目的或者耐心,故选A。

5. B。结合上题句意,bear表示“开(花);结(果)”之意。

6. D。一颗小种子又能结出成千上万的种子,那_____世界上不是到处都是苹果树呢?根据下文进一步的解释,可知这里作者是在问为什么,选D。

7. A。根据下文的 “only a few of these seeds grow. Most 8 do or are destroyed early on in their growth”可知这是自然法则,故选rule 。

8. C。上一句提到只有少量种子能够长成大树,那么反过来,大部分的种子是不会长成大树的,所以这里要填一个表示否定的词,只有C符合语境。

9. B。作者把种子放在桌上,并弯下腰来,目的就是为了观察它,选B。

10. A。上文提到成千上万的种子里只有一小部分能长成大树,所以这里表示作者想知道,要让一颗种子长成大树,农民得同时种下多少颗种子。bury覆盖,埋藏,符合语境。Collect收集;produce 生产;save 节省。

11. C。紧接上一句,要让一颗种子长成苹果树,农民需要多少颗种子,需要花费多少劳动呢?故选C。

12. B。这里对应下文的“And then one day we 14 why our dreams never come true. The seeds of our dreams could never 15 on their own.”

13. C。由下一句“We don’t protect them as we should.”往前推,我们头脑里有了好主意,但由于我们没有好好保护它们,很快它们就_____了。只有C符合语境,die 表示“凋零,枯萎,消失”。

14. D。我们总让好的想法凋零,然后某一天我们_____为什么我们的梦想总不能实现,只有D符合语境,wonder想知道。

15. A。这里表示梦想的种子从来都不会自己生长。

16. C。下文所举的例子“sent a hundred times for that one good job”和“many people you meet in life”都强调多次尝试才能收获满意的结果,所以选C。

17. A。这是两个并列的例子,所以用or连接。

18. D。在遇到很多人之后才能找到真正的朋友,所以答案为D。

19. B。这里与第一段的“I wanted to throw it away.”呼应,所以答案为B。

20. D。从最后作者期望这粒种子长成一颗骄傲的大树,可知作者应该是把它种了下去,故选D。


1-5 ADABC 6-10 ABDDB 11-15 CBDCA 16-20 BACDC

1. A。从后文可看出,母亲是通过让儿子们做好事来成为圣诞老人,good deed是好事的意思。

2. D。从上半句的奶昔可以看出,母子是去一个有吃的地方,因此是咖啡馆,且和最后一段第一句“my oldest came along to the cafe and helped with the speech. ”中的cafe呼应。

3. A。从后一句“Not only are you taller, but I can see that your 4 has grown too.”中的has grown too可知。

4. B。前半句说的是身高,也就是身体,后半句应当是心灵也长大了。即内外皆有成长。

5. C。从后文可知作者是让孩子们自己去扮演圣诞老人,给别人送礼物,所以此处应填become,成为圣诞老人。

6. A。上下两句话是想说,大部分圣诞老人是人们扮演的,现在你已经准备好做圣诞老人的第一份工作了。

7. B。后文可知,孩子为自己选中的人送礼物,因此此处是pick。

8. D。母亲教导孩子们像圣诞老人学习,为人们送温暖,不求回报,且后文也能看出送出的礼物没有留名,只是告诉对方是圣诞老人的礼物,所以应当是不让人们知道这个礼物的来源。

9. D。年迈的妇女每天早上光脚拿报纸,推出儿子应该是注意到这件事,因此选noticed。

10. B。从本段“The next morning, she was out getting her paper, wearing the slippers. ”可知是拿报纸。

11. C。当儿子看到妇女每天早上光着脚,所以他认为她需要一双拖鞋。

12. B。因为后文要送出去,此处推断出应当是买。

13. D。此处容易选择card或者note,但是细想可知,儿子是要连同拖鞋和纸条一起送出去,所以应当是包裹。

14. C。当男孩看到妇女穿上自己送的拖鞋,应当是开心的。

15. A。每年他们都会悄悄送礼物给别人,所以此处应当填他们选择送礼物的目标人。

16. B。由上文推断,男孩送出的礼物都是非常适合目标人物的,因此是unique。

17. A。由男孩想送自己的自行车可知,那个家庭连自行车也没有,所以很穷。

18. C。女孩收到礼物应该是非常开心,所以应是good。

19. D。加入俱乐部(club),应该用join。

20. C。与首段第一句“In our family, we have a special way of telling our sons about Santa without them feeling lied to. ”呼应,应当是lied。

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