JUST ASK | 成长不烦恼
本文作者: Daniel Daugherty
Dear Daniel,
I am obsessed (沉迷于) with pop stars. But my parents don’t like this. They think I spend too much time obsessing over them. I don’t want to upset my parents, but I don’t want to stop, either. What should I do? Tina
Dear Tina,
This is the time in your life when music is the most important thing. It’s natural that you will look up to performers. I had my favorites - and I still do!
To you, it’s harmless, but these stars may represent something different to your parents, something they don’t like or understand. For example, one of my favorite rock stars dressed all in black and wrote dark music with dark words. My mother worried that I was becoming a devil worshipper (魔鬼崇拜者). (I can’t type that sentence without laughing.) She completely misunderstood the music and why I enjoyed it.
If you can, talk to your parents about these stars and their music. Ask if there’s anything specific they don’t like. This will help you all understand each other a little better. I think that parents are often bad at communicating these things. My parents were!
However, you use the word “obsessed”. These stars may be great singers or dancers. Maybe they are beautiful to look at. It’s easy to forget the truth: Everything about their lives is carefully made to look perfect on TV. In reality, these stars are just people, not gods or superheroes. They have their own flaws (缺点) and personal problems. Some of them may even hate being pop stars!
You may feel they are speaking to you with their music, and they are. But that is a one-way conversation. If you ever met them, you would probably be disappointed by the conversation.
So enjoy the music, but don’t confuse the art for the artist. Daniel
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