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Model United Nations- rooted in the depth of memory

本文作者: Yuetong Zhou
On behalf of the Disarmament and International Security Committee of Turkmenistan, I participated in the MMUN conference held in the UN Headquarters on March 17th, 2019. MMUN is set for youngsters(9-16 years old) around the world to simulate the operation of UN and talk about the global hot issues and provide related solutions.

On March 27th, 2019, I took my second MMUN trip, during which I not only made friends from other countries but also enhanced my awareness to care about the social development.

MMUN in my mind

What is MMUN? When I was a little child, I thought that the MMUN was just a competition for youngsters. Later on, I understand that it’s also a bridge for us to know about our foreign friends. Here we hold the standpoint of the country we represent and compete with other fellows in the world.

Preparation for the topic

Two months ago, we got our conference topic on Prohibition of Dumping Radioactive Wastes. Then I began to collect related materials and think about it from a new perspective.

Finally, I decided to explain my point of view from three aspects of reducing radioactive materials, replacing them and building more unclear free-zones in the world. I understood the importance of this conference for I not only represent myself, but also represent a country.

Outstanding performance

First, representatives from each country introduced themselves. Then, the presidium read aloud the rules of the conference. When it was my turn to speak, I walked onto the stage with confidence and clearly expounded my views. In the process of consultation, our delegate tried our best to persuade others. All delegates were equally strong, but with better performance, we finally got our solution proposal passed.

University trip

After the MMUN conference, we visited several famous universities in the world. Firstly, we visited the West Point Military Academy, which is a dream for me. I stood there as if I could feel the strong will of the West Point people. Then we visited MIT, Harvard, Yale and other notable universities. Despite the beautiful campuses, their openness and inclusiveness deeply moved me. The trip to the famous universities made me realize that my dream would come true if I work hard enough.

Final harvest

MMUN is the one with the highest academic level and the most meaningful one I have attended. During this time, I not only learned more, but also made many kind friends. Besides I improved my ability of debating and group working. I also feel how contemporary international issues affect humanity. During this conference, I also realized that I should cooperate better with my partners and prepare my topic more efficiently. We have gained an awareness of caring for human existence and social development. The experience and happiness received from the Model United Nations will be rooted in the depth of my memory.

Wriiten by Yuetong Zhou from Class 3, Grade 5, the Affiliated School of Hebei Baoding Normal
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