JUST ASK | 成长不烦恼
本文作者: Daniel Daugherty
Dear Daniel,
I feel obsessed (着迷的) with an idol (偶像) recently. He’s good-looking and sings well. I really want to buy his album and posters (海报) to support him but my parents don’t want me to. They think what I do is a waste of time and money. What can l do?
Dear Bunny,
It’s great that you have a favorite musician. I hope you listen to his songs a thousand times this year and love every second of it. Because guess what? In two years, you’ll have a new favorite.
Think I’m joking? When I was 15, I was obsessed with the rock band Aerosmith. I bought their records, played their songs on the guitar and was even lucky enough to see them perform. Then, one day, my friend showed me a record by a band called Weezer. In two minutes, I forgot that Aerosmith even existed (存在).
As you grow up and grow old, different artists and music styles will become more meaningful to you. I can play the electric guitar but now I almost never listen to rock music. Instead, I discovered traditional fiddle (小提琴) music from the US and Ireland. I still love 90s rock, but it means something different to me now. If I met my teenage self, I’m sure he would throw a tomato at me.
So talk to your mom. Tell her she’s right. It would be a waste of money to have all of your idol’s posters, albums and T-shirts. Ask her for a compromise (折中的办法): You just want one poster. After all, you need to save space on your wall for the next artist you discover.
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