The 10th Anniversary Conference of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied lingu
本文作者: 21ST
The 10th Anniversary Conference of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL) will be held August 2 to 4 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. The theme is “Testing, Interlanguage, Second Language Acquisition and World Englishes”.
Invited speakers at the conference include Professor Emeritus Alan Davis, Professor John Joseph and Dr. Hugh Trappes-Lomax from University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Sudaporn Luksaneeyanawin from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
The PAAL Conference is a forum for academic exchanges by scholars and practitioners of applied linguistics and related areas. It provides a venue for the dissemination of current research findings on a variety of issues concerning Asia and beyond.
PAAL was formerly known as the Japan/Korea Association of Applied Linguistics, organized in July 1996. Its goal is to provide an excellent opportunity for cooperation in disseminating new and current research findings in the fields of applied linguistics and English education. PAAL is one of the few associations with such diverse interests in interdisciplinary fields related to applied linguistics, such as foreign language education and literature.
The association now has more than 400 members and is rapidly expanding. It holds an annual conference in July or August in various host countries. In addition, PAAL members are involved in an international Cross-Cultural Distance Learning project (CCDL). This collaboration has resulted in active academic exchanges that have transcended time and region.
The international association welcomes any individual specialists, organizations, or groups in the fields of English education, linguistics, British and American cultural education, and British and American literature education, to join the organization.
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