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Compulsory accreditation for UK language schools

本文作者: 21ST

  COMPULSORY accreditation for all language schools in Britain could soon become a reality under new plans due by the British government, the Guardian Weekly reports.

  The move hopes to help root out bogus colleges and students seeking to abuse the system. It will ensure that "prospective international students will receive greater quality assurance in relation to the institutions in the UK", said a spokesman. According to the British Council, over 600,000 learners a year come to the UK to help achieve their ambitions and to use the language in its natural home.

  The UK has been edging towards compulsory accreditation since the government launched its language school register almost two years ago, as a joint initiative by the UK Home Office and the UK Department for Education and Skills (DfES). The register lists English language providers in the state and private sectors. Only students applying to registered schools can be awarded visas or, for EU students, leave to study.

  Three ELT accrediting schemes operate in Britain at present ?Accreditation UK, run by the British Council and English UK, an association of accredited language schools; the Association of British Language Schools and the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes.

  The UK government is discussing whether the current accreditation system should be simplified to make one organization responsible for all administration and inspections. This would ensure equal standards. If the official announcement is issued, it could be good news for the British Council and English UK scheme. The two organizations have signed the Accreditation UK agreement to renew the Britain's quality assurance scheme for language schools.

  Some 395 ELT providers are already accredited by the British Council, which accounts for up to 50 per cent of the sector. With the objectives, "Flexible, Accessible, Inclusive and Reasonably Priced ?or Fair for short", Accreditation UK aims to keep the UK as top choice for international English language students.

  Tony Millns, Chief Executive of English UK, believes that the UK's reputation for quality in education is a major reason students choose to study here, and accreditation under a rigorous scheme helps to demonstrate high standards.

  "The regulatory initiative (regarding compulsory accreditation) was welcomed by the British Council and English UK,"said Fiona Pape, manager of English language quality services at the British Council. "However, we believe it is only the first step and look forward to compulsory accreditation as a guarantee of quality, which should go a long way to provide the assurance looked for by international students."
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