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  THE health and social welfare system is part of everyone's life in Britain. It provides help for anyone who is raising a family or who is elderly, sick, disabled, unemployed, widowed or disadvantaged. Everyone at some point in their lives will receive help from its varied services, ranging from health checks for children to home help for disabled or elderly people.

  The three pillars of the health and social welfare system are:

  The National Health Service(NHS): the health of the community is the responsibility of the NHS. It's free to everyone who normally lives in Britain.

  The Personal Social Services: provided by local authorities for elderly and disabled people, those with mental disorders and for families and their children.

  Social Security:designed to secure a basic standard of living for people who are unemployed or disabled.

  These publicly-funded services are among the government's top priorities, and account for about half of all government spending. They are supported by the work of many voluntary social and health care organizations, and by carers who look after their own family or friends.

  The US

  HEALTH care in the United States is often described as the best in the world, but the cost is a big problem. The US's medical advancements save many lives, research costs also mean major debt. Government programmes provide health insurance to the poor and elderly. Others depend on private insurance.

  Around 60 per cent of working Americans have health insurance through their jobs. Their employers usually pay at least part of the cost. But, as those costs increase, employers feel the pressure. Some employers no longer offer health coverage. Others have increased the share paid by their employees. Getting insurance can be difficult for those who work only part-time. The same is true for people who are already sick. Some Americans have no health insurance. Some uninsured people get care at university teaching hospitals.

  The federal government and the states jointly offer an insurance programme called Medicaid. The US also administers a programme to help children whose families earn too much to receive Medicaid.


  TO understand how the French health care system works, it is best to begin with a look at the French health insurance system.

  First of all, all legal residents of France are covered by public health insurance, which is one of the social security system's entitlement programmes. The public health insurance programme was set up in 1945, and the coverage was gradually expanded over the years to all legal residents.

  Hospitals have always been the core of the health care system. Hospitals can be roughly divided into two categories: public, and private for-profit.

  The public sector represents about 65 per cent of the beds. Public hospitals have specific obligations such as ensuring the continuity of care, teaching, and training. They receive a budget which is largely based on a historical basis. Private for-profit hospitals concentrate on surgical procedures and rely mostly on fee-for-service remuneration for their funding.

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