Pan-Asian Consortium / Thai TESOL Conference
本文作者: 21ST
The Pan-Asian Consortium/ Thai TESOL International Conference
January 26-28, 2007
The Imperial Queen's Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Beyond Boundaries: Teaching English for Global Communication in Asia
Core issues
*The role of culture in ELT
*Curriculum and syllabus designs
*The models of English language brought to the learning contexts
ELT professionals from Asian countries like Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines; ELT professionals from many other parts of the globe are expected to discuss Asian issues in English language teaching.
Keynote Speakers
*Jun Liu, associate professor of English language/linguistics, University of Arizona, president of TESOL
Plenary Speakers
*Fredricka Stoller, associate professor of English, Northern Arizona University, US
*Galina Lovtsevich, president of FEELTA (The Far Eastern English Language Teachers' Association), Russia
*Dr. Arunee Wiriyachitra, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Background information
Thai TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) was founded in 1979. It is a professional, non-profit, and non-political organization. Its goal is to strengthen instruction and research, at all levels, in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages within Thailand. Thai TESOL has an annual convention in January each year. So far, it has had more than 1,300 members.
The Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC) 2007 will be hosted by Thailand TESOL in Bangkok where, 10 years earlier, PAC was inaugurated. Since 1997, the consortium has continued to grow, and it is on the verge of becoming an even more significant group of ELT organizations with the addition of more new partners.
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