Bush Sets Sights on Library Legacy
本文作者: 编辑 王晓珊
FACING the prospect of a lame-duck last two years in office, President George W. Bush has decided to focus on what he hopes will form the cornerstone of his legacy - the George W. Bush Presidential Library.
The cost of this memorial has been estimated at US$500 million, three times the sum spent on his predecessor Bill Clinton's presidential library.
Although specific plans remain secret, some details are known. The library is likely to be built at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.The institution recently gave the president an honorary doctorate.
The centrepiece of the library is expected to be a public policy centre, possibly called the Institute for Democracy.
The centre will be designed to espouse what Bush hopes will be seen as the defining themes of his presidency - "compassionate conservatism, the spread of freedom and democracy throughout the world, and defeating terrorism." But two key questions remain, who will pay for it and what will it contain?
The Clinton library has 75 million documents but White House watchers say such voluminous paperwork is unlikely to emerge from Bush administration.
(China Daily,Nov. 30, 2006)
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