42nd SEAMEO Regional Language Centre International Seminar
本文作者: 21ST
The 42nd SEAMEO Regional Language Centre International Seminar
April 23 to 25, 2007
30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore
Strategies in Language Learning and Teaching
Invited speakers
*Sara Cotterall, associate professor of linguistics, Akita International University, Japan;
*Dr. Andrew Littlejohn, Lancaster University, UK;
*Professor David Mendelsohn, York University, Canada;
*Dr. Rebecca Oxford, University of Maryland, Baltimore US;
*Professor Martha Pennington, Elizabethtown College, US;
Topic areas
*Strategies for developing effective interaction in the language classroom;
*How to deal with a variety of learning styles;
*Effective motivational strategies in the classroom;
*Strategies for developing learner self-confidence;
*The role of memory-enhancing strategies in language learning;
*Innovative approaches to developing material for the language classroom;
*Approaches to conducting successful classroom research.
Background information
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) was established in 1965. Its purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region. The Regional Language Centre (RELC), an educational project of SEAMEO, is located in Singapore. The RELC International Seminar is a major event in language education in the region. It is held annually and is attended by some 500 participants, mainly scholars, lecturers, curriculum developers and educationists from the region as well as from other parts of the world.
For more information, please go to http://www.aaal.org/aaal2007/colloquia.htm.
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