Yahoo and Reuters Seek Pictures From Eyewitnesses
本文作者: 编辑 王晓珊
YAHOO Inc., in partnership with Reuters, is inviting the public to contribute eyewitness photos and videos of news events, in the latest move to turn ordinary people into on-the-spot journalists.
Yahoo said it has created a news contribution system called "You Witness" and is working with news and information company Reuters, which will edit and distribute selected photos to other news outlets.
Yahoo plans to run selected images contributed by users as part of topical packages on Yahoo News, which currently offers news from dozens of professional news organizations including Associated Press, CNN and Reuters.
With hundreds of millions of camera phones in circulation, consumers are able to take high-quality photos and videos.
While focused initially on news, Yahoo aims to expand the You Witness system to solicit user contributions for sports, entertainment and other sections of its site.
Starting yesterday, contributors can submit photos to You Witness via a link off of the main page of Yahoo News ( or to Reuters at
(China Daily Dec. 6, 2006)
雅虎公司称,这项被称为“You Witness”的服务新闻系统与新闻信息公司路透社合作。路透社将负责对公众提交的新闻图片进行选择和编辑,并将其提供给其它新闻媒体。
据悉,“You Witness”系统最初将主要面向新闻,但今后将逐步增加体育、娱乐等其他方面的内容。从本周二开始,用户可以通过雅虎新闻频道主页(的一个链接向“You Witness”提交图片,或直接向路透社网站(提交图片。
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