Creating conversations
本文作者: Kendall Peet
在口语课上,引导学生利用小纸条创建对话是一种非常灵活而有效的教学活动。这种活动既可用在课堂教学的热身阶段或教学过程当中,又可作为开展课堂讨论活动或学习某个语法项目的导入手段,其优点在于学生无需在课堂上做过多的准备工作,教师操作起来也简单易行。 第一步:教师给每位学生分发三张纸条,然后让他们在纸条上分别写一句与个人生活密切相关的话。这三句话既可以同一话题为主线,也可体现同一个语法点。 第二步:教师让学生上交纸条,之后再将同一作者的三张纸条分发给不同的学生,其目的在于引导他们在相互询问纸条原出处的过程中自然地进行口语交际活动。 建议:为了使口语训练更具挑战性,教师应要求学生进行迂回式或探索式提问。在学生进行交流的过程中,教师可在黑板上列出可供他们参考的单词和表达方法。随着学生之间的对话活动渐入高潮,教师可提醒他们控制对话的时间,或规定每组对话中所用句子的具体数目。 当学生相互问询时,教师可一边监督他们交流的状况,一边引导其在对话中适时使用话轮转换技巧,如引入话题、解释句中词语或强调某些重要信息等。 为了帮助性格比较内向的学生开口说英语,教师可将他们汇聚在同一小组,并写好三张纸条加入他们的讨论当中,引领他们自然过渡到讨论活动中来。 第三步:当纸条都与原作者再次匹配,并且讨论活动看起来渐入平淡之际,教师宣布活动结束,并再次将所有纸条收回。当晚,教师从众多纸条中选出10张带有典型语言错误的纸条,让学生于次日课堂上共同探讨并更正这些错误,这种做法可加深学生对相关语言错误或不当表达方式的印象,并能在一定程度上帮他们在以后的学习中规避类似的问题。 第四步:最后,教师在次日的口语课上随意抽出几张纸条,读出所写内容,并让其作者和寻找作者的学生重新展示他们在确认纸条内容时所进行的对话。 HERE is a conversation activity that is sure to go down well with students. It can be used as a warmer, as a much-needed break in the middle of class, as a lead-in to a particular topic or as an activity to practise a language point already covered. The best thing about it is that there is almost no preparation time required. Just follow these simple steps: Step 1 Give out three slips of paper to each student in your class. Ask them to write a sentence on each slip of paper, which relates to their lives. (Asking them to personalize the sentences will make the activity both more fun and more meaningful.) It could be topical. Alternatively, you could focus on a certain language point. Step 2 Collect the slips and explain to the students that you are going to redistribute them so that they each have three slips from other students. The primary aim of the activity is to create a situation to prompt a natural conversation. The secondary aim is for the students to find the author of each sentence and to return the slip. They do this by mingling and asking questions (without showing their slips to other students). Step 3 Once the students have each got their original slips back, or when the conversations seem to be dying down, reseat the class and collect all the slips. I then usually take all the slips home that night and select and type up ten sentences that are written incorrectly to be used in the following lesson for error correction. This way the students are focusing on problem areas that are present in their language. This is far better that writing your own sentences or taking random exercises from a grammar book, which usually bear little relation to the students’ lives. Step 4 Finally, you can finish the session off by asking the students to report back on what they learnt about each other from their conversations. The best way to do this is to select a few slips at random and read them out one at a time to find out which student wrote each one. I then ask that student, “who returned the slip to you” and then I have them both report back on their conversation. | ![]() |
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