Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association
本文作者: 21ST
2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association
August 27-30, 2007
Cardiff University, Wales, UK
New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics
Application of Cognitive Linguistics
Organizing committee
Vyvyan Evans, professor, University of Brighton, UK
June Luchjenbroers, professor, University of Wales Bangor, Wales, UK
Michelle Aldridge, senior lecturer, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
UK Cognitive Linguistics Association
Linguistics Association of Great Britain
Equinox Publishing
Keynote speakers
Lynne Cameron, professor, The Open University, UK
Seana Coulson, professor, University of California at San Diego, USA
Klaus Panther, professor, Hamburg University, Germany
Chris Sinha, professor, University of Portsmouth, UK
Eve Sweetser, professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Conference description
The UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association was inaugurated at the 2005 meeting, held at Sussex University. The primary themes of this conference include a continuation of new directions in Cognitive Linguistics together with focus on the application of Cognitive Linguistics. This second theme is very current and amplifies the importance of language research to describe not only language in use, but also to relate theory and practice to issues generated in usage.
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