本文作者: 21ST
老青:中国社会科学院英语培训中心客座教授,教学顾问,北京英语水平考试辅导专家,北京英语水平考试系列教材主编之一,各类考试辅导专家及高级考官,北京青年政治学院英语系主任。 BETS-1第二部分的听力测试形式可被称为“对号入座”。浏览试题仍为应试的第一步,考生须熟悉左边的题目和右边选项中所列单词的意义。在听录音的过程中,考生要用心注意浏览时已熟悉的人名、地名或词语。一般情况下(第一遍听),考生可先机械地将相近出现的词临时组为一对。
例如在TEST 1中,可临时配对的词组有:mother—mountains; Carolina—hotel pool/sea; Jack—castle/cathedral; Sarah—market; Peter—restaurant; father—museum。此外,相关信息可以给考生不少提示:如swimming, buying, eating等均能帮助考生确认正确答案。 考生应注意:左边题目数少于右边选项数(多3个干扰项)。第二遍听时,考生要在相近的词语中排除干扰项目,并辨析出正确答案。例如在上题中,mother—mountains在左边题目中没有,因此可取消该答案;对于Carolina—hotel pool/sea,由于She preferred swimming here[=sea] to hotel pool的句意为“她不愿意在宾馆里而愿意在海里游泳”,因此考生可排除答案hotel。
BETS-1听力试题Part 1-2答案与听力原文对应信息一览(辅导教师:北京青年政治学院 刘彩玲) PART 1 Question 1. What music will they have at the party? 三张图片分别为吉他、钢琴和CD。对话中“Let’s just play your new CDs”与图片相符合,正确答案为C。
Question 2. When will the man go on holiday? 三张图片分别为6月、7月、8月,对话中“July’s better”与图片相符合,正确答案为B。
Question 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 三张图片分别为艳阳天、刮风天和雨天,对话中“It’s very hot”与图片相符合,正确答案为B。 Question 4. What color is Mary’s coat? 三张图片分别为黄色、蓝色和棕色,对话中“Yellow looks good on you”与图片相符,正确答案为A。 Question 5. What did the woman repair? 三张图片分别为椅子、梳妆台和桌子,对话中“You know that broken shelf above my desk”与图片相符,正确答案为B。 PART 2 第6题:正确答案为H。对应信息: Carolines wimming.She preferred swimming here to the hotel pool. 第7题:正确答案为B。对应信息:Jack.But it’s not a castle,it’s a cathedral. 第8题:正确答案为D。对应信息: Sarah,buying bananas in a market? 第9题:正确答案为G。对应信息: Friend: And here’s Peter eating.Is he in the garden of your hotel? Sarah: Actually, it’s a restaurant near the cathedral.We often went there. 第10题:正确答案为F。对应信息:Friend: What’s your father doing with the cassette recorder in this photo? Sarah: Oh.He loves history.He’s in a museum here listening to information. 在做BETS-2听力第二部分时,考生应密切关注听力试题对话中的“问”与“答”,同时也要看题目或题干,是回答问题还是完成句子。(1)针对回答问题的题目,考生应努力辨析非实质性信息(干扰信息)与实质性信息(答案)。(2)针对完成句子的题目,考生应抓住与选项一致的“同/近义词句”。
下期预告:BETS1-2级口语考试辅导(二) BETS-2全真模拟试题一 QUESTION 13: What did Angela miss most while she was away?
非实质性信息(干扰信息) | 实质性信息(答案) | I missed hot water and proper showers sometimes too, but not as much as I thought I would! | I normally play tennis and swim several times a week, so I started to feel very unfit. |
BETS-2全真模拟试题一 QUESTION 8: The main reason for Angela’s trip was to...
听力试题原句 | 同/近义选项 | But the main purpose for going(与听力试题题干同义) was to collect 500,000 pounds (与make money近义)for sick children (与for other people近义)by getting different companies to pay us money for each kilometer that we flew. | make → collect money → 500,000 pounds for other people → for sick children |
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