本文作者: 21ST
Non-English speaking pupils rising in UK
RECENT official figures revealed that the number of immigrant pupils who were unable to speak English has risen by 50 percent over two years. At least 20,000 immigrant pupils joined British primaries and secondaries during the 2006 — 2007 academic year. Nearly 2,000 pupils were removed from last year’s GCSE league tables at their teachers’ request because they had recently arrived from overseas and did not speak English at home.
US approved English proficiency assessment
TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education) CLAS-E (Complete Language Assessment System — English), McGraw-Hill’s English language proficiency assessment for adult learners, has recently been authorized by the US Department of Education’s National Reporting System for Adult Education. TABE CLAS-E can now be used by any state education agency that receives federal funding through the Workforce Investment Act.
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