AAAL 2009 Annual Conference
本文作者: 21ST
2009 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
March 6 — 9, 2010
Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, US
United States Affiliate of the International Association of Applied Linguistics
Plenary speakers
* M.A.K. Halliday, professor of linguists, University of Sydney, US (Putting linguistic theory to work)
* Diane Larsen-Freeman, applied linguist, director of the English language Institute, University of Michigan, US (Complex, dynamic systems: A new transdiscliplinary theme for applied linguistics?)
* Mary McGroarty, professor of applied linguistics, Northern Arizona University, US (Orientations and ideologies in language policies)
* Lourdes Ortega, editor of the Language Learning Monograph Series, US (The bilingual turn in SLA)
* Richard Young, professor of applied linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US (Discursive practice in language learning and teaching)
* Beyond Bilingualism and SLA: Acquiring Several Languages in School Contexts
* Connecting Psycholinguistics and Pedagogy: Processing in Second Language Acquisition and Processing in the Classroom
* The Social Turn in Study Abroad Research
* Technology and Language in Globalized Contexts: Critical Approaches
* Classroom Research on Content-based Instruction in School Settings
* Focusing on L2 Writing Development: Multiple Perspectives
Registration fee
* Member: $200
* Student member: $95
* Non-member: $290
* Non-member Student: $160
Registration after February 5, 2010 carries a $30 late fee.
Tel: (205) 824-7700
Fax: (205) 823-2760
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