2010 Global Language Convention
本文作者: 21ST
2010 Global Language Convention
April 8 — 11, 2010
Glen Waverley Campus of Wesley College, Melbourne, Australia
Wesley College Institute for Innovation in Education, Wesley College, Melbourne, Australia
Cultures, One Community: Language, Knowing and Power
* From Text to Message — Literature, Media & Communication Cultures for C21 Learning
* Language Loss and Reclamation — Critical Perspectives
* Taking Responsibility for the 2nd Language Learner in the Mainstream Language Environment — Challenges, Issues and Trends in EAL, EFL, ESL etc
* The Brain, Learning and Language — Traversing the Journey from Myth Through Policy Development to Implementation
* Multilingual Matters — Beyond Making the Case for Learning More than One Language
* Defining, Developing, Refining, Maintaining the Mother Tongue
* Every Teacher Is a Language Teacher — Critical Issues in Managing Language and Learning in Schools
Plenary speakers
* John Bradley, senior lecturer and deputy director for Australian Indigenous Studies, Monash University, Australia
* Joseph Lo Bianco, chair of Language and Literacy Education, University of Melbourne, Australia, and honorary professor of language education, University of Hong Kong, China
* Ato Quayson, professor of English, University of Toronto, Canada
* Alastair Pennycook, professor of language studies, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Registration fees
* Standard registration (payment received after December 1, 2009): A$900 (about $823)
* Late registration (payment received after March 27, 2010): A$1,000 (about $915)
Tel: + 61 3 8102 6213
Fax: + 61 3 9510 6284
E-mail: Institute@wesleycollege.net
Web: www.wesleycollege.net/convention.cfm
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