本文作者: 21st
Reinterpreting ESP
Vijay K Bhatia
Like applied linguistics, ESP also has, for a long time, been interpreted rather narrowly within the context of language teaching and learning. However, considering much of the work that has been done in genre analysis and more recently, in critical genre analysis, it is not only possible, but more importantly desirable, to re-interpret applied linguistics and ESP in the context of a number of other areas of application, such as translation, information and document design, and most importantly the study of institutional, organisational, and professional, as well as other workplace practices that we are interested in.
In this address, I would like to argue for the widening of the scope of applied linguistics, and hence ESP, to cover a number of such area of application, in particular, translation, information design, and the study of professional practices.
Current directions in English for Specific Purposes research
Brian Paltridge
The speech focuses on the following six aspects: ESP and genre, ESP and corpus studies, ESP and English as a lingua franca, ESP and advanced academic literacies, ESP and identity, ESP and ethnographic approaches.
The conclusion is:慐nglish is closely tied to processes of globalization: a language of threat, desire, destruction and opportunity. English is a translocal language, a language of fluidity and fixity that moves across, while becoming embedded in, the materiality of localities and social relations. English is bound up with transcultural flows, a language of imagined communities and refashioning identities?Pennycook 2007, 5-6).
(1)国外出版ESP教材的出版社包括:Garnet education, CUP ELT, OUP ELT, Longman Pearson,Macmillan, Marshall Cavendish。
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