Red castle in Spain
本文作者: 21st
THE Alhambra is an old palace and fortress (堡垒) in Granada, of southern Spain. It used to be the home of the Muslim Moors, who were in charge of Spain hundreds of years ago. The name “Alhambra” means “red castle” in Arabic (阿拉伯语). The palace has this name because the outside of the building has red clay (粘土) on it. The Alhambra is on top of a hill and has a strong wall all the way around it. Inside the palace, there are fountains with running water and a lovely pool. The decorations of the palace are beautiful. The pillars (柱子) are made of a mixture of pearl powder (珍珠粉) and clay. Today The Alhambra is one of Spain’s most popular places for tourists.
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