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The world in which we live in: Beatles, blends and blogs The language of popular music is a great source of data for ELT, especially because of its motivating force among young people - and the not so young, for older people remember the pop songs of their youth with accuracy and nostalgia. Pop songs are also one of the most ubiquitous manifestations of English as a global language, so it is not surprising to see them often used in ELT classrooms. But there has been relatively little analysis of the kind of English that they contain. As we are in Liverpool, this talk uses the songs of the Beatles to illustrate some interesting features of phonology, syntax, and lexis, and finds trends that go well beyond pop lyrics. Blogs, in particular, display interesting similarities in usage which can be significantly different from other modes of written expression. 发言人:David Crystal ELT tomorrow ELT tomorrow is today! What we think, what we do, and what we are inspired to change all have an impact on the future of the field. From language planning to curricula design, from methodology to assessment, from teacher development to learner characteristics, everything will be transformed to address the future needs of the field. In this plenary, Liu draws on the most recent data from his research via document analysis, surveys, and interviews to highlight salient patterns and themes that have evolved over the past few decades in the ELT field. Liu shares his analysis of the data, interpretation of its meaning, and speculation about the future trends with regard to research foci, teacher expectations, and emerging learning styles as English continues to play the role of a world language. Liu’s conclusion, featuring the six abilities a competent English teacher should have for the next decade, will leave audience members reflecting on their own practice and anticipating the new direction of ELT. 发言人:刘骏 The ELT weather forecast: perceptions on effectiveness and teacher motivation Welcome to the ELT weather channel … What’s the weather like in ELT today? What atmospheric patterns can we observe in our perceptions on effectiveness in different areas in our energy field: in methodology, research, curriculum, assessment, technology, learner development, teacher training and development, management, and professional networking? What low and high pressures exist in our professional contexts? What about teacher motivation? We know our well-being matters, that it affects all aspects of our lives, and that our health, energy, happiness and inner peace are prerequisites for greater effectiveness in our professional work. So how are we doing on the motivational front in our work places? Based on a qualitative research study on our own perceptions of effectiveness and motivation in a variety of ELT contexts across the world, we will explore a range of factors that appear to influence how we perceive effectiveness in different areas and discuss patterns that seem to emerge with respect to our understanding and expectations of teacher motivation. Join us in the ELT Weather Report and in our exploration on what the forecast seems to call for in the near future. Stay tuned for the full report! Now back to the newsroom! 发言人:Deniz Kurtoglu Eken Language dealing A few years ago I did some research on the cultural identity of expatriate teachers of English around the world, and one respondent declared that if English were a drug, expatriate teachers would be the dealers. Dr. Bill Johnston of Indiana University has written about the moral dimension of English language teaching, and in particular once drew provocative parallels between EFL teachers and medieval knights errant. In this talk I am going to explore these metaphors and argue that the phenomenon of expatriate English teachers could be considered a historical, cultural movement. I will then consider a new drug: Mandarin as a Foreign Language, and consider the effects that Chinese expatriate teachers might have as language dealers. 发言人:Susan Barduhn On a lighter note Come and be entertained by Roger McGough, ‘a trickster you can trust’, who is one of Britain’s best-loved poets for both adults and children. Roger reads poems old and new and just sprung from the poetry box and talks about his writing life, the city of Liverpool and the state of hope in which he lives year-round. 发言人:Roger McGough 发言人介绍 David Crystal 班戈大学语言学名誉教授,作家、编辑、讲师、播音员,在家乡北威尔士霍利黑德工作。著作包括:《剑桥英语语言百科全书》《英语史的故事》《网络语言学:学生指南》《100个词让你了解英语的历史》(2011年出版)、《一一道来:英语拼写的奇异故事》(2012年出版)。1995年曾荣获大英帝国OBE勋章,以表彰其在英语教学上做出的突出贡献。 刘骏 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市佐治亚州立大学外事副校长和高级国际官员,此前曾担任亚利桑那大学英语系教授兼主任和孔子学院院长。研究领域包括语言政策、全球化语言教育、跨文化交际、课程与标准开发、教师教育和第二语言习得。曾任对外英语教学协会主席(TESOL,一个全球性英语教师协会),目前担任国际英语教育研究基金会(TIRF)董事会成员、对外汉语教师协会(TCSOL)副主席。 Deniz Kurtoglu Eken 就职于土耳其萨班哲大学语言学院,并且担任该学院院长长达10年(至2012年9月)。多年来一直从事教学、课程开发、定性研究、教师及培训师的培训与发展等工作,在剑桥大学考试委员会、英国文化协会(土耳其分部和英国本部)、美国大使馆、土耳其教育部以及土耳其的多所高校讲授正式培训课程。 Susan Barduhn 美国国际培训学校研究生院教授、对外英语教学函授硕士课程学术主任、教师培训及专业发展学院前院长。研究领域包括文化认同、教师培训师发展、教师的思维能力和跨文化交际。 Roger McGough 1997年获大英帝国OBE勋章,2004年获CBE勋章,以表彰其在诗歌领域做出的突出贡献。曾与阿德里安亨利(Adrian Henri)和布莱恩彭定康(Brian Patten)同时荣获利物浦市自由勋章。此外,Roger McGough还是英国皇家文学学会会员、利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学荣誉研究员、泰晤士河谷大学荣誉教授。 | ![]() |
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