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本文作者: 21ST



Language follows power. In an increasingly globalized world, some languages become the kings in terms of trade and communication. They jump geographic boundaries, pushing smaller languages toward extinction.

According to National Geographic magazine, one language dies every 14 days. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth are likely to disappear as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin or Spanish.

This is why Google.org is launching a new undertaking called the Endangered Languages Project. It aims to digitally record the world’s little-known tongues and the heritages to which they are central.

What kind of languages are disappearing? Languages like Arogonese, which can be found in northern Spain, for example. Spoken by fewer than 10,000 people, this language is likely to have disappeared within a few generations. Navajo and Ojibwa, both native to the Americas, are also close to extinction. Koro is the native language of a small population living in the mountains of northeast India. It’s spoken by about 4,000 people.

The Endangered Languages website will record roughly 3,500 of the world’s little-spoken tongues. “With every language that dies, humanity is in danger of losing an enormous cultural heritage”, writes Loek Essers on the website Computerworld.com.

“As each one vanishes, an understanding of how humans relate to the world around them, as well as scientific, medical, and botanical knowledge, are all lost, as is the expression of a community’s humor, love, and life.”

Users of the website can find languages which can be identified by their location on a map, or reached via a list that has been broken down into four categories: at risk, endangered, severely endangered, or unknown.

Users can upload video or audio samples as well as share their knowledge of a language.

“Languages are entities (实体) that are alive and in constant flux (不断变动), and their extinction is not new,” write the site’s creators. “But today we have the tools and technology that could become a game changer.”




[1] The majority of us naturally seek close friends. But why do we choose some people as our friends over others? Are there any factors that influence our choices? New research has shed light on _________.

[2] The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), found that academic achievement, how well someone had been taught by their mother, and personality are essential in the friendship formation process. By contrast, physical characteristics such as body fat and weight are not.

[3] Popularity, IQ, bad behavior (such as arriving late and skipping classes) and the likelihood of going to university were also found to be characteristics which subconsciously (下意识地) attract friends to each other.

[4] Researchers also found that those with longer friendships were more similar, especially when it came to their personality traits such as extraversion (外向性), emotional stability, intellect and imagination. Long friendships in adolescence are very solid and those friends are likely to have shaped young people’s personalities.

[5] The study began in March 2008 when youngsters aged 15- to 17-years-old were asked to name a maximum of five best friends. Information about the length of friendship, where they met, how much time they spent together, what they talk about and the activities they do together was collected.

[6] The study found that individuals select their friends deliberately, rather than friendships forming as a result of a random social selection process.

[7] Professor Burgess said: “Our findings are pertinent (相关的) for understanding the role of friendships in adolescent society. It is unquestionable that people select and influence each other, which confirms that social networks are powerful in spreading information, beliefs and behaviors. These individuals are making a transition (过渡) between childhood and adulthood and their emerging attitudes and beliefs will be affected by their friendships.”

1. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)



2. What are the three most influential factors in how teenagers choose their friends according to the study? (no more than 15 words)



3. How do long friendships influence teenagers’ personality traits according to the study? (no more than 8 words)



4. What does the underlined word “deliberately” in the second-to-last paragraph probably mean? (no more than 3 words)



5. Why does Professor Burgess think friendship is important in adolescent society? (no more than 6 words)






In the US, neighbors are a big part of life. When you move into a new

house, you should go and i______ yourself to them. If you are lucky,

they’ll give you a ______ (传统的) gift like a cake to help you settle in.

Many people have gardens, ______ they can grow fruit and vegetables.

Often, people will s______ this fruit with their neighbors.

Neighbors are not a______ good news. The American film Disturbia tells of

a boy who, ______ (无聊) to death, buys a telescope and watches his neighbor

all day. But he finds out ______ terrible: that his neighbor may be a murderer.

______ (幸好) most neighbors are not murderers, or spies with telescopes.

Neighbors trust each other. People will take it in turns to look ______ their

neighbors’ children, so that parents can go out. National Good Neighbor Day in

the US is a ______ (庆祝) of the warmth and friendship of a good neighbor.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______




Many foreigners find food one of the most interesting parts of Chinese culture. Foods that are normal in China, 1. ________ chicken feet and duck tongue, are often very strange to foreigners. In fact, some of the 2. ________ (big) culture shocks are the kinds of animals that are eaten.

I was once invited to a special meal in China. When I arrived at 3. ________ meal, I was happy to eat everything 4. ________ was given to me. I did not want to be rude. I ate a meat dish that tasted rather strange, 5. ________ I still wolfed it all down. After the meal, and to 6. ________ great surprise, I was told that I 7. __________ (eat) a dog. In European countries, it is a very strange idea to eat a dog. My Chinese friends explained that the dog meat is very 8. ________ (use) for warming the body during winter, and is often eaten in the north of China.

In England we call dogs “man’s best friend”. It would be 9. ________ the law to eat a dog in England. In China, it is a big shock when we hear of people eating dogs, or, as I did, end up 10. _________ (eat) them ourselves.


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