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本文作者: 21ST





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It was a typical Wednesday. My wife and I were speaking in a nursing home (疗养院) about our successful recoveries from our heart attacks. Afterward, one of the other residents, Miriam, asked if we had a few minutes to talk.

“I’ve always thought that to be 1 I need three things: someone to 2 , something to do and something to look forward to,” she said. “I’ve got people here to love, and the activities to 3 me as busy as I want, but I don’t have anything I’m looking forward to. Do you have any 4 ?”

“What did you look forward to before you came here?” we asked.

“Oh, I used to love to laugh with others,” Miriam said.

“What did you 5 about?” we asked.

“Everything I could see, hear, feel, taste or smell,” she said with a smile.

At that very moment, we got the idea to start our 6 . We began looking for humor, and we used all of our 7 . We started with a teabag with the 8 : You are like this teabag… only in hot water do you realize how strong you are. 

We continued 9 and found cartoons and videos filled with humor. People brought us stickers, books, games and magazines. We 10 together humor baskets with books, tapes, greeting cards and toys for children of all ages. 

Of course, we 11 a humor basket for Miriam, the woman who had 12 us on this project – “Search for a Smile and Share it”. She told us that the 13 of her day was sharing the 14 of her basket with everyone she saw. 

The project was so 15 that other facilities heard of it and made special 16 . One nursing home asked us to make a humor cart, like a shopping cart. Volunteers 17 this down the hallways, sharing smiles and laughs with 18 . Still another nursing home requested that we 19 a humor room, complete with a projector showing fun videos.     

What started as a simple gesture to 20 one elderly woman turned into a lifetime project.

1. A. busy B. happy C. rich D. healthy

2. A. love B. meet C. visit D. respect

3. A. lead B. find C. keep D. encourage

4. A. ways B. opinions C. plans D. ideas

5. A. talk B. worry C. complain D. laugh

6. A. procedure B. project C. research D. preparation

7. A. efforts B. senses C. tools D. families

8. A. message B. letter C. cover D. sign

9. A. explaining B. searching C. exploring D. researching

10. A. got B. came C. joined D. put

11. A. paid B. made C. filled D. applied

12. A. started B. chosen C. persuaded D. turned

13. A. highlight B. satisfaction C. project D. appointment

14. A. designs B. foods C. books D. contents

15. A. touching B. successful C. interesting D. respectful

16. A. gifts B. donations C. requests D. arrangements

17. A. walk B. push C. fix D. perform

18. A. nurses B. workers C. residents D. children

19. A. design B. organize C. decorate D. offer

20. A. save B. help C. thank D. satisfy






正确率: /20

I was doing some shopping in Newmarket, Ontario, one day almost 6 years ago. At that moment I saw a brochure for a Walk-A-Thon being put on by Easter Seals Ontario, an organization that aims to 1 a better life for children and youth with 2 disabilities. I had grown up enjoying helping people who are 3 in wheelchairs due to handicaps. I knew immediately that I had to 4 this Walk-A-Thon.

Now it is my healthy addiction to 5 as much money as possible for this wonderful organization each year. My son Charlie, who will 6 6 in June, has been participating in this event almost 7 I have! During my second walk-a-thon, I was only a few weeks away from delivering (分娩) Charlie. My dad had to 8 me in a wheelchair – I didn’t want to deliver the 9 en route (在路上)! Dad has come on the walk with me for a few years now; last year, he 10 as a clown. He works as a professional clown named Smoothie.

It’s always 11 walking with others who are out for the same great cause. People can 12 or walk the ten kilometers. I’ve 13 been a runner, but I can walk for miles. I am tired at the end, 14 I do enjoy the nice long jaunt (远足).

At the end of the day, it’s 15 about raising money to support families of children with physical disabilities than 16 the race. Charlie and I were the last two to arrive at the finish line last year, but we raised the 17 money ever: $3,500. We are hoping to raise $4,000 this year.

I am very fortunate to have a 18 son. It can cost an extra $40,000 per year to 19 a child with a physical disability. This year I joined the organizing committee for the Walk-a-Thon to get more 20 . If you would like to learn more about Easter Seals Ontario, visit http://www.easterseals.org/. To learn more about the event itself, and to sponsor Charlie and me, please visit http://www.persechinirun.org/.

1. A. lead B. live C. create D. win

2. A. avoidable B. physical C. common D. famous

3. A. stuck B. lost C. interested D. bored

4. A. take B. watch C. understand D. attend

5. A. earn B. pay C. receive D. raise

6 A. turn B. become C. get D. reach

7. A. as good as B. as well as C. as long as D. as far as

8. A. pull B. push C. drag D. draw

9. A. mail B. speech C. baby D. package 

10. A. accepted B. functioned C. participated D. chose

11. A. simple B. fun C. natural D. convenient

12. A. play B. collect C. continue D. run

13. A. never B. ever C. always D. already

14. A. so B. but C. since D. then

15. A. just B. not C. more D. only

16. A. making B. losing C. refusing D. winning

17. A. last B. most C. best D. least

18. A. healthy B. smart C. sympathetic D. honest

19. A. turn to B. pick up C. care for D. care about

20. A. focused B. involved C. related D. attached


A story is not like a road to follow, it’s more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors (走廊) relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows.

– Alice Munro (Canadian writer, 1931 – )




One day a teacher tries to teach her young students the names of animals. She asks students to name an animal whose name begins with “E”. One boy answers: “Elephant.”

“Great!” The teacher praises the boy. Then she asks for an animal that begins with a “T”. The same boy quickly answers: “That’s too easy. Two elephants.”

The teacher gets angry and sends the boy out of the class for bad behavior. After that she asks for an animal beginning with “M”.

The boy shouts from the other side of the wall: “Maybe an elephant!”

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