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作者:褚宏启 北京教育科学研究院副院长 北京师范大学教授





国际上热议的“21世纪素养”(21st Century Skills,也有人翻译为“21世纪技能”,我认为“素养”更恰当一些)可以给我们以丰富启示。21世纪素养分为三大类:(1)学习与创新素养,包括:批判性思考和解决问题能力、沟通与协作能力、创造与革新能力;(2)数字化素养,包括:信息素养、媒体素养、信息与通信技术素养(ICT素养);(3)职业和生活技能,包括灵活性与适应能力、主动性与自我导向、社交与跨文化交流能力、高效的生产力、责任感、领导力等。







作者:刘道义 人民教育出版社编审、课程教材研究所研究员




1.启智性课堂教学重视教学过程,英语知识与技能的发展都离不开听说读写的活动,从学生的学习过程可以发现,每一项技能的训练都开始于激活学生的已有知识与经验的步骤,称作“预热”或“预测”,即“预备”阶段,旨在启发学生开动脑筋,自主探究。这不同于传统课堂上教师宣讲灌输课本知识,学生被动接受、“鹦鹉学舌”式地模仿记忆。例如在围绕话题Great Scientists教阅读课文John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”时,同课异构的教师在热身步骤都用图片展示了一些世界著名的科学家,一位教师把每个科学家的姓名及其成就都呈现出来,讲给学生听。而另一位教师则先呈现照片,向学生提问,让他们回答。学生的思维很活跃,回答正确时他们很得意,当他们回答不了时,教师会及时出手,学生也很佩服教师。虽然二者略有差别,却反映了教学观念上的差异。




5. 启智性课堂重视以学生发展为目的的评价,教学反馈贯穿教学全过程,不再仅靠测试、考试评价,而是特别重视行为评价,通过自主评价与同伴评价和师生评价,充分肯定学生的进步,使他们享受成功感,并由此增强信心,产生新的动力,在已丰富的经验基础上继续前行。启智性课堂教学的五个步骤“预备、呈现、练习、产出、进步”,可用由五个以P为首的词来表示。这幅图显示了英语教学的过程与方法,及其承载的知识、技能、情感态度与价值观,还显示了这是一个动态的过程,循环反复,周而复始。这是符合英语课程标准所提倡的理念的。


作者:郝又明 北京市朝阳外国语学校校长








我刚开始做英语教师时是在所谓的“三类”校工作,生源水平很低。市里规定重点校学生三年学习六册书,而普通校学生只要求学完四册,这导致大批普通校学生无法升入重点高中。当时我的做法是:①用Ugly Duckling作为迎接新生的礼物去唤醒学生的自信。(这种做法延续至今)②在起始阶段摒弃音标教学,采取自然拼音法加入音节划分训练,让学生见词会读并会拼写,降低单词遗忘率,从而降低了初二学生的分化率。③听说读写依次排开,扩大阅读量,持之以恒。④分层次课堂提问,分层次组织活动。课上每个教学环节精心设计,精心落实,精心记录每个学生学习过程中的各种表现。⑤大力开展唱歌、背绕口令、朗诵等活动。⑥在英语口试中,用分层法提高口试实效。在初中阶段,在一个普通的三类校,我们连续两届仅用两年时间就完成了六册书的学习,学生提前参加中考且成绩优异,超过市里所有重点校学生三年的教学成绩,使“被人遗忘”的一群孩子得到了公平的升入高中的机会。⑦在高中阶段,我所在的学校学生无法学习当时的部编教材,我试用“新概念”第二册在高一教学一学期,后逐渐选择部编教材的部分内容,效果很好。










作者:David Bryce 牛津国际公学成都学校总校长

British Boarding Schools are amongst the most respected schools worldwide, they are split into Boys, Girls and co-educational school provision. Whilst British Boarding Schools traditionally prepare students for university entrance, and CDOIC does exactly the same, here at CDOIC we maintain Chinese Culture as a key part of our curriculum and by providing the formative years of pre-university study in China, this allows the maintenance of strong family ties at what we feel is a vulnerable age, possibly too vulnerable to pack a Chinese child off to the UK.

I need to explode the myth that teaching in the west is perceived to be so much more superior than teaching in China at traditional Chinese curriculum schools teaching Zhongkao through to the Gaokao curriculum. Traditionally Chinese students are taught to learn, recall and reproduce, whilst western students are taught the tools necessary to critically evaluate and analyse. Chinese students have the best Mathematical minds in the world. Chinese students who go to UK Universities perform equally well irrespective of the schooling they have had; the key exception here is that universities demand the highest Gaokao qualified students possible, and whilst they also demand high standards of ‘A’ level students, they expect the diversity and creativity that Gaokao students may be lacking. It has to be said that Chinese students advance through their studies in traditional Chinese schools, differently than Chinese students studying at Oxford International College of Chengdu, which I will refer to as CDOIC.

A Chinese parent chooses a British-Style Boarding School for varying reasons. When a student joins CDOIC, she/he is given a Cognitive Abilities Test. This allows us to measure progress, against predicted grades and assess the value that we are adding to students; i.e. their actual achievement, allowing us, at the same time, to measure the performance of our teachers. Here we operate a house system where we award points for good deeds and academic endeavor, which also introduces a competitive team-working environment.

At CDOIC all learning is in English, all conversation on the campus is in English; and whilst we may not achieve total language immersion, a facet of British Boarding Schools, the concept of boarding intends learning to be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week….except of course, when students are asleep. To enhance the boarding concept, we operate 21 extra-curricular activities for 100 students. We also run the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, where all students aim for the bronze award and most students enhance that level to the silver award. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has been running since 1966 and students have to cover 4 areas over an extended period showing demonstrable progress. Students have to prepare for a complete and adventurous journey, increase one particular skill, take part in and contribute to a service, normally voluntary and/or charitable work, and finally enhance a physical recreational skill. Boarding, combined with these activities, ensure the broader and more holistic development of our Chinese students.

The environment of boarding at CDOIC ensures that teachers, administrative staff, mentors, tutors and peers work together to continually enforce self-discipline, creativity and independence of thought processes; the leadership potential and opportunities are limitless.

Boarding school staff immerse themselves in the education of every child, aimed at fully unlocking their potential. Often students are on independent learning plans. At CDOIC every student has bespoke subject teachers, 2 personal tutors (one western and one Chinese) and they often have additional school mentors with direct access to an electable student council. Our system requires that parents are contacted every week with respect to their child’s progress.

Boarding socializes Chinese students into becoming young adults who behave in an orderly manner, caring for and sharing with their fellow students, emphasizing the mutuality of self and peer respect allowing them to be fully prepared for life in a shrinking world where language ceases to be a barrier to becoming a globalized citizen. Students at CDOIC are constantly stretched and challenged, both academically and socially, and whilst they grasp the challenge (or opportunity) that 24/7 learning, living and advancing provide at varying levels, all of our students get accepted by top universities, not only in the UK and US but also in other international universities.

Our Chinese students are much sought-after by top universities world-wide, and we will continue to prepare lifelong critical learners who have the potential to return to China to ensure its country’s advancement.


作者:Anne Marie Biggs 新西兰Glendowie Primary School校长

We are in an exciting age of change. We are already 15 years into the 21st century and we must reflect on whether we are recognising the changes, what changes are happening to meet our student’s needs and what needs will need to be addressed for the future.

The world has changed and the rate of change is greater than any previous era. Governments are recognising that the speed of change has caught many sectors unaware. Education is a major player which will determine a country’s ability to manage change and to lead to economic and social prosperities. For educators there is an inherent nervousness as the sector grapples with the speed of change, new technologies, the speed that knowledge changes, and the skills that will be needed for the students to live and work in these changed times.

Our learning programme needs to look at equipping our students to learn, work and contribute as active members of their community. We can no longer expect an education that prioritises the testing of clusters of knowledge to be sufficient. We need to teach life skills that draw on knowledge, attitudes and values in ways that lead to further investigation or independent thought. These life skills include relating to others, critical thinking and problem solving, and the ability to communicate in different ways so they can manage themselves, their learning pathways and aspirations. In other words what will success look like for them on this journey?

Challenges are often global by nature and people from all countries share in common issues. Therefore it is also vital that our 21st century learners are exposed to local, national and global issues in order for them to have authentic contexts for learning and opportunities to solve problem, care, collaborate and think critically.

The learning programme that we all must provide must be personal in that it meets the needs of their students, their interests and abilities of a diverse range of learners. It needs to be interactive allowing children to be creative and curious and collaborative both through digital platforms as well as the ability to choose the most appropriate ways of finding out. The learner needs the ability to share in groups, pairs or peers, to collaborate, to communicate including the use of social media, and the use of digital devices. Our students need the opportunities to explore and create and be curious, to ask questions and present solutions in a variety of ways.

The presentation at this International Summit on 21st Century skills and Key Competencies will provide opportunities to look at the key elements of change, what competencies students will need in our schools of change, how principals will lead the change, together with what modern learning looks like in classrooms.

We will see how our learning environment must provide learning which fosters in our students the skills and attitudes of curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, caring, collaborating, communicators and constructors of knowledge.

There are many curriculum designs and each school must look at their learning culture, the needs of their students and community as they create the learning programme for their student’s journey. We recognise that the journey will be one of small but important steps that will need continual revising and evaluating.

Our schools learning revolution began in 2004 when we adopted the IB model of the PYP programme. This programme is a framework that links the student inquiry around key concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes and taking action. This is the model Glendowie School uses together with the attitudes and learner profile that encourage in our students the personal attributes and dispositions to be International students and life -long learners.

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