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Woman Calls 911 With Pizza Complaint


  AN 86-year-old woman was jailed after police said she called 911 dispatchers 20 times in a little more than a half-hour — all to complain that a pizza parlor wouldn’t deliver.

  She told dispatchers on May 22 that a local pizza shop refused to deliver a pie to her south Charlotte apartment, said Officer Mandy Giannini. She also complained that someone at the shop called her a “crazy old coot,” Giannini said.

  Densmore wanted them arrested. Instead, police came to arrest her, and she resisted, Giannini said.

  It’s unusual for someone to face charges for nonemergency calls, Giannini said. But Densmore kept calling 911, even after she was told to stop, Giannini said.


  Mandy Giannini警官称,5月22日这名老太太对911调度员说当地一家比萨饼店拒绝把馅饼送到她在夏洛特市南部的家中。她还抱怨说,店里有人称她为“发疯的老笨蛋”。




Hoarders wiping out toilet paper supply

  造纸厂停工 芬兰掀起 卫生纸抢购狂潮

  SHOPPERS in Finland raided shelves for toilet paper on May 25 in fear of it running out as a lockout of workers kept the Nordic country’s paper mills shut.

  “As soon as we get a delivery, the packages vanish off the shelves. The big bags go first,” said Hille Laine, manager of a central Helsinki shop which had no tissue paper products left.

  Paper makers enforced a four-week lockout on May 18 following a two-day strike by workers.

  The dispute in the key export sector is mainly over industry’s plans to scrap mill shutdowns during some holidays and on the use of outside labor.

  The latest round of talks between workers and employers ended without a deal on May 25, meaning that the lockout will continue at least until May 30 when they are due meet again.


  赫尔辛基中部的一家店铺已没有卫生纸可卖了。经理Hille Laine说,“我们一有货送达,马上就会被抢购一空。大袋装的卫生纸卖得最快。”




Cop to suspect: Gotcha, it’s your picture, stupid!

  犯罪嫌疑人自投罗网 警方将其轻松拘捕

  A SUSPECT in two taxicab robberies walked into a New York police station and failed to notice his picture in a “wanted” photo on the wall, giving cops an opportunity to make one of their easiest busts ever.

  “You look at the photo, and it’s not that glaring that it is him,” said Norman Horowitz of the New York Police Department. But an alert detective noticed the resemblance and police arrested Awiey “Chucky” Hernandez, 20.

  Hernandez and a companion had gone to the station on May 24 to inquire about Huquan “Guns” Gavin, who had been arrested in another investigation, Horowitz said.

  Horowitz said that he has never seen anything like it 30 years on the police force.


  纽约市警察局的Norman Horowitz说,“乍一看那张照片,还真不太容易认出是他。”一个细心的侦探发现了他与照片很相像,警方因此而把20岁的犯罪嫌疑人Awiey “Chucky” Hernandez擒获。

  Horowitz 说,Hernandez是在5月24日和一个同伴去警局询问Huquan “Guns” Gavin的情况时被抓的。Gavin已在另一项调查中被捕。



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