“海外传真”栏目针对外语教学中的焦点问题,介绍国外语言教学专家和一线老师的最新研究成果和实践经验,本期关注阅读教学,向读者介绍国外阅读教学的最新进展。 ---------------------------------
The Internet TESL Journal Using Newspaper Articles Communicatively in the ESL Classroom Jonathan Clifton
摘要 本文作者介绍了一种分组阅读报刊的方法。教师通过让学生预测文章内容、分组阅读文章、重新组合小组并复述原组阅读文章等活动训练学生的阅读及复述能力。 NEWSPAPER articles are a readily available way of introducing students to real and topical English in the classroom. In this article, I offer one way of exploiting newspaper articles based on a variation of the classic jigsaw reading technique. The first stage is to write the headlines of different articles on the blackboard and ask the students to decide what they think the articles will be about. Second, divide the class into small groups of four students, and ask Group A to write four questions about Article One, Group B to write four questions about Article Two and so on. The criteria for the questions should be: what do you want to know about the article? Next, ask each group to read one of the articles for which another group has written the questions. Ask the groups to exchange the questions they have written so that each group has another group's set of questions for their text. The students now have a guide for the detailed reading. After their reading, the teacher forms new groups of four with one student from each group. Each student tells his/her story to the newly formed group. This stage sets up an information gap exercise whereby the students have an intrinsic purpose for communicating. Finally, ask the students to return to their previous groups. Select students to retell the stories, though not necessarily the story that they originally read. If the information exchange worked well, all the students should be able to retell all the stories.
English Teaching Professional Graded Readers Bill Bowler
摘要 泛读教学是阅读教学的一个重要组成部分。本文作者认为,教师应建议学生利用分级读物进行泛读,并指出了阅读分级读物在扩大词汇量、巩固语法等方面的作用。 THESE days, with the popularity of webpages, emails and text messages, literacy skills are experiencing a comeback in the ELT classroom. Reading is a "comfortable" receptive skill, for the slow reader can read slowly, or read something again if necessary. There are two basic kinds of reading. "Intensive" reading involves a short reading passage accompanied by specific comprehension tasks. While "extensive" reading focuses on a global understanding of the story. This article will focus on preparing students in a staged and supported way for extensive reading through the use of graded readers. Students who read extensively gain greater confidence in the target language more quickly compared with students who don't. The benefits are: Extending vocabulary Graded readers can help vocabulary learning. Most graded readers series use headword lists, prescribing the range of appropriate words which are allowed at different levels. In some graded readers, the words beyond the students' level are glossed in the margin, at the foot of the page or at the back of the book. These glosses mean that students don't need to break their reading flow to look up words in a dictionary. Consolidating grammar Graded readers can help to give students further exposure to grammar they have already studied. In any graded reader series, grammar is controlled at different levels. Grammar control means that with low-level classes graded readers are safer options for extensive reading than authentic materials. Even a relatively plain style of authentic narrative writing can contain grammar likely to unnerve low-level students and discourage them from further extensive reading.
www.teachingenglish.org.uk Using News Articles Gareth Rees
摘要 报刊新闻是阅读教学的重要素材。本文作者介绍了教师选择新闻的标准,如选题是否具有趣味性、文章是否篇幅过长、教师是否可以利用文章开展讨论及表演活动等。 TOPICAL news stories are a great source of teaching material. This article presents some selection criteria for choosing news articles as reading materials for learners. It is important that the teacher choose news articles wisely. He/She should consider the following criteria. Appropriacy of topic Will the students be interested in the topic? Is it suitable for the age group? Length Be careful to avoid articles that are particularly long. Reading a news report in a second language is demanding, and if the article is too long it will discourage students. If the news report is lengthy, do not be afraid to edit it. The style of news articles often means that entire paragraphs can be omitted without affecting the overall sense of the piece. Language content Besides the general interest in the topic, this may well be the most important selection criterion. Does the article contain a useful lexical set (e.g. crime, money)? Are there some good grammar exponents (e.g. past perfect, reported speech) or interesting syntax and sentence style? These will provide the basis of your language work on the text, and how the language can be exploited. Generative Can you think of a good way to follow up the basic textual work? Does the topic lend itself to discussion or role play? Can you practise the language further? Task suitability When working with authentic material there are issues concerning the authenticity of the tasks. The most authentic task is for students to simply read the article. Although we usually look to exploit the text a little more in the classroom, it is important to keep tasks as realistic as possible.
Designing a WWW Reading Task Sam Shepherd
摘要 网络与报刊一样,可以为学生提供真实的语言材料。本文作者认为,教师可利用网络为学生设计阅读活动,并指出了教师在选择网页及设计活动时应注意的事项。 THE Internet offers a myriad of opportunities for authentic English reading texts. Teachers can turn an authentic reading text into a useful and fulfilling activity. This article gives advice on designing tasks based on the Internet. The first step is to choose a website. The simple rule here is that the obvious ones are the best. So, if the topic is "News" then the BBC or CNN are fairly good starting points, as they both have good international news sections. There are several other criteria which need to be considered when you choose a website. * How appropriate is the language? Is there a lot of technical language or culturally specific references that may be beyond your class? You may have to pre-teach certain vocabulary for the reading. * How accurate is the language? Badly written websites are more common than you may think. * How navigable is the site? Is it easy to move from page to page, and to get back to the home page if necessary? Now you need to decide what you want your students to do with it. This is where your knowledge and experience as a teacher and the materials you have designed in the past come in. The questions and activities are the same as any reading task (multiple choice questions, reading for gist and so on). Tasks like this can be compiled and used again and again as long as they are well designed.