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Chef makes a wedding gown out of cream puffs


  ACCORDING to an American report on October 12, a Ukrainian baker, Valentyn Shtefano, spent two months on his fiance's wedding dress. He made it out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel, with 1,500 cream puffs, weighing 20 pounds (9 kilograms).

  At first, the 28-year-old baker sewed empty cream puffs together, but the dress collapsed. Then, he carefully attached the puffs to a wedding dress frame, and his fiance, Viktoriya Shtefano, spent a couple of hours each night before the wedding modeling the dress as Shtefano added more puffs.

  "At the very beginning, it was a little embarrassing," Viktoriya said of the dress she wore at the wedding ceremony."Cameras, interviews, but after a couple of hours, I didn't even want to take it off."




Indian youth weds hill to ward off curse

  为母亲消灾 娶大山为妻

  ON October 10, an Indian teenage boy, Robin, in Jharkand state wed a hill in order to appease its goddess and to remove a curse placed on his mother, the Hindustan Times has said.

  The boy's mother, who had fallen and hurt herself while trying to climb the hill, believed its goddess was unhappy with her. She started to pray to the goddess, Lakshmi, and after three months the deity visited her in a dream. "The hill goddess asked me to marry my son to her. The marriage will help in getting rid of her curse," said the mother.

  When the wedding day came, Robin wore a traditional bridegroom's outfit and set out on foot with a large festive party from his village to the hill 3 kilometres away. The 400 villagers washed the hill with water and Robin placed a garland at the top. In that way they were married.




Easy way to reel in man-eating sharks

  阳台悠闲垂钓 捕获食人鲨鱼

  RECENTLY, a young Australian man, Robbie Hughes, really shocked the world by reeling in man-eating sharks from his balcony six floors above Lake Orr, which is connected to the Gold Coast, Queensland.

  Hughes, 26, says he first started fishing off his balcony when he noticed a large school of sharks in the water below. For 18 months, he has fished for sharks in between watching television and playing video games. Each time the sharks get hooked, he uses a big fishing rod to reel them up to the street level of the apartment block. Then, his friend David Rolando races downstairs to hook them with a gaff.

  So far, he claims to have caught 12 sharks in all, including a 1.5 metre bull shark early this month.




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