

了解服饰内涵 实现有效沟通

作者:编辑 王晓珊
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  CLOTHES can communicate certain hidden elements of your personality that you may not even be aware of. What do people see in you? Your clothes can communicate trustworthiness and humility, but they can also communicate distrust and arrogance. If you're wearing a bright yellow "tutu", then what's your motive? What character traits are you hoping to communicate?

  If what you wear doesn't support your values, then you are probably coming across as being uncomfortable in your own skin. Here is a sample of what your favorite clothes (what you love and feel the most comfortable and confident wearing) communicate to others.

  Suit & Tie 西装与领带

  A tightly and neatly knotted tie communicates respectability. If it is worn with a crisp suit, it says respectful, reliable, and capable,in other words, highly accomplished. Wearing a suit and tie out of context speaks of low self-esteem or an inflated ego. If the tie is careless and out-of-date, it says,"I am trying to establish status." It lacks attention to detail and confidence. Lack of attention to detail translates to inattentiveness and insensitivity to the needs of others.

  Sloppy Clothing 肥大的服装

  Excessively baggy clothes suggest that you're hiding something; it doesn't communicate trustworthiness.

  Sloppy clothing also communicates shame or resignation. Stained or funky clothes say you only care about yourself, you have very little respect for the rest of the world, and that you operate by your own set of rules. This type of clothing also means moody and unpredictable (not necessarily in a positive way). But when worn in private it says, "I am comfortable with who I am." which we all know to be a good thing.

  Jeans 牛仔装

  Whether casual or dressy, the message is clearI am fun, outgoing, flexible, and attentive. Relaxing with friends is important to you, but you don't mind staying at home on the weekends. Wearing jeans shows a caring and reliable essence about you.

  Still, since blue jeans are the uniform of our generation, it's hard to say what they communicate. This means you have to rely on the accompanying outfit to express yourself or figure out what someone else is communicating.

  Flashy Patterns 颜色亮丽的服装

  Flashy doesn't say that you are down to earth. It speaks of arrogance not confidence. And arrogance doesn't speak of sacrifice. An arrogant person is not likely to place the needs of a relationship first.

  This type of person is about appearance not performance, and could be over-compensating for a lack of creativity in other areas. This clothing choice also speaks about trying to establish status. Animal patterns speak to wildness or cold heartedness. Beware.

  Striped Clothing 直线条纹服装

  This type of clothing denotes a disciplined attitude. The person that chooses this clothing is generally a team player and considerate of others. This is the reason a lot of group sports use striped uniforms, such as soccer and baseball. Prisons used to use striped clothing as well.

  Stripes speak of confinement and operating between the lines. The size of the lines and the spacing speaks of the varying degrees of sophistication. Very thin lines show self-discipline whereas larger stripes or bars speak of enforced behavior.



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