Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years, but he says he still does not know why people yawn.In fact,no one seems to know much about it.Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning.They agreed to be watched while sitting alone in small rooms.In the rooms,they watched television programs,or pictures of people yawning.Or they just sat and thought about yawning.Students also kept records of yawning when they yawned throughout the day.
The professor says he has learned a number of things from these experiments.He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping.His students yawned most just before sleeping or just after waking from sleep.He found that people yawn more when they are bored or not interested in what they are doing.He discovered that people do not yawn as a way to force out carbon dioxide gas from their lungs or to get more oxygen.Now Prof.Provine is planning further experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning.
17.Who helped Prof.Provine with his research of yawning?
18.By what experiment did Prof.Provine study yawning?
19.What conclusion did he reach by the experiments?
20.What is the real reason of yawning?
17. A.His wife B.His children
C.His students D.His colleague
18.A.His students looked at pictures of people yawning.
B.His children sat in a small room thinking about yawning.
C.He made a record of his yawning throughout the day.
D.He taught yawning at class in the university.
19.A.People will yawn when the room is crowded.
B.People yawn most before or just after sleeping.
C.Actually,people don’t yawn more when they are bored with what they do.
D.Yawning is a way to get more oxygen into the lungs.
需要强调的是,因为首尾两句很有可能是概括短文主旨大意的主题句,对于语篇的首句和最后一句,听者应特别注意。这样,一方面,听者可以通过首句对短文有个大概的了解,如依据本篇首句中的“yawning/yawn,not know why”等关键词去联想和预测后面的内容;或通过本篇短文中“Professor,study”之类的词联想到研究、实验或教学,进而更多关注下文可能出现研究成果和使用的研究方法。另一方面,听者还可以依据尾句对已获得的信息做总结或补充,如最后一句中的“planning”“further”“purpose of yawning”呼应首句,可以帮助听者弥补前面漏听的信息,或者进一步确认短文首句的意思(the reason of yawning is not known)。
听者如果在开始听文章之前就进行了某种预测或推测的话,在接下来的听音过程中,听者就应不断地对先前的预测进行确认。例如,在本文中,倘若听者通过练习题目确知“yawn”是全文的关键词,但却不知道这个词的意思,这时不只是运用推测策略,初步判断“yawn”可能与“sleeping”有关,关键在于当听到“He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping.”或“His students yawned most just before sleeping or just after waking from sleep.”这两句时,对推测的正确与否予以验证。
另外,在听的过程中,如果听者觉察到最初的预测或推测有误,就得学会放弃和不断地修正所做出的预测和推测。例如,个别学生在听音的前半部分推测“yawn”是与看电视或看图片等相关的视觉问题,即使这样,当听到上述两句时,如果有不断验证的意识和经验,也可以及时地将这一错误的推断纠正过来。又如,有的学生尽管没能抓到第三句中“helped”或第四句中“be”,将这句话错误地理解为“教授的学生观看有关‘yawning’的电视节目(television programs)或图片(pictures)资料以研究他人的‘yawning’,而当听到下句的“thought about yawning”和“... also kept records of yawning when they yawned...”,还是可以通过验证意识来修正前面的理解,即“文中的学生是作为受试者来帮助教授来进行“yawning”的研究”,这样一来,18题的答案也就显而易见了。