

采用任务型教学模式 改进语法教学方法

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  Activity for teaching prepositions associated with time

  Lily Vered

  在英语中,介词可用在年、月、日以及小时等名词前表示时间。许多学生在学习此类时间介词时常感觉到困难。本文作者基于A University Grammar of English一书对于方位介词的解释进而组织安排课堂活动,为学生学习介词提供了一个崭新的视角。具体步骤如下:


  教师发给学生一张描述地点介词 “on”“at” 和“in”的图表,并向学生解释图表的内容。在进行图表的讲解时,教师应注意通过具体的例句来让学生准确把握以上三个地点介词的用法。


  教师进而运用此图表向学生解释“on” “at” 和“in”作为时间介词的用法。教师应引导学生将“年”“月”和“周”看作一个“空间”,因此与“in”连用;对于一个月或者一周中的一天,则可想象成一根“柱子”或是一条“线”,所以用“on”修饰;而“小时”被视为“柱子”上或“线”上的一点,与“on”配合使用。在此过程中,教师可让学生参照日程安排表或者日历上的时间标示,加深学生对于讲解的印象。





  Many language learners have a problem learning the prepositions associated with references to year, month, date and hour. The following activity is based on the explanation of prepositions of place provided in A University Grammar of English, as represented by the diagram.

  Step One

  Give students the diagram and an explanation regarding the meaning of prepositions when teaching prepositions of place and direction.

  Step Two

  When working on references to time, use the diagram again, but this time bring a diary or calendar, which has slots for hourly appointments. Ask students to consider the following:

  A year is a SPACE, and so is a MONTH or a WEEK. Therefore they would require the preposition IN. e.g. IN 1997, IN August, IN the third week of August. Next, you would show that the actual date is a column or line IN that week/month and thus requires ON Monday. The hour would be a point on the day line and require AT, as in AT 6 am, AT 16:30 IN the afternoon.

  Step Three

  Tell students to walk around the class and find out exactly when people were born and see if they can find someone who was born IN the same year, or the same month, or perhaps ON the same day. Students report on their findings, on who they interviewed, and when that person was born.

  Step Four

  Provide a fill-in exercise or cloze passage which makes references to dates (year, month, day and time). You can use an incident such as what happened to the Titanic on the night it sank, or a dialogue between two busy people trying to set up an appointment.

  Task-based grammar teaching:tips and activities

  Lindsay Clandfield

  在语法教学中,教师往往将注意力过多地放在反复的讲和练上,教学形式过于单一。本文作者将Jane Willis灵活的任务型教学模式引入课堂,首先有目的地引导学生完成交际性学习任务,进而提醒学生注意开展口头交际活动时所用到的语法形式,让学生实现对语法规律的熟练掌握。








  学生进行完口头报告环节后,教师可让学生讨论班里哪些同学在10年中变化较大。之后,教师让学生再次观察自己张贴在黑板上的照片,并讲述自己彼时生活同现在的不同之处进行示范。在学生进行讲述时,教师可提问学生一些简单问题,以检查其是否理解其所述内容。然后,教师基于自己的讲述,从中找出三到四个包含有“used to”的表达形式,将其写在黑板上进行详细讲解。最后,教师将自己的讲述稿发给学生,要求其找出更多的关于“used to”的表达式,进而总结此语法结构的用法。

  IN Jane Willis’s flexible model for task-based learning, students begin by carrying out a communicative task, without specific focus on form. Then they report the results and discuss how they accomplished this task. Only at the end is there a specific focus on language form. The following lesson plan follows Jane Willis’s task-based learning framework to teach the grammar point “used to”.

  Step One

  For this class you need a photograph of yourself from 10 years ago. You can practice reading the exercise out until you are able to “speak” it comfortably in front of the class. Prepare a written version of this text that you can distribute to the class.

  Step Two

  Tell the students that you are going to show them a photo of you from 10 years ago. Ask them what they think will be different, but don’t correct them at this stage.

  Then take out the photo of yourself and walk around the class, showing it to the students. Ask them what was different about you then. Put the picture up on the board and ask “What else was different about my life, do you think?” Don’t tell them if they are right or wrong in their guesses at this point. Explain that they will find this out later.

  Step Three

  Ask the students to work in groups of three. Tell them to talk about their lives ten years ago. Stop the task. Tell the students that they must work together to prepare a summary of their discussion to report to the whole class. They must write notes for this summary and be prepared to report this orally to the class.When the students are ready, ask a spokesperson from each group to report, on the group’s summary.

  Step Four

  After all the reports, ask students who they think has changed the most. Draw the students’ attention back to the photo of you on the board and explain that you are going to ask them to listen to you doing the same task that they did. Read the recording that you made. Ask the students some quick comprehension questions about what they heard.

  Choose two or three sentences from your text that include the verb “used to” and write them on the board. Explain the rules of form for “used to”. Then you could distribute the script of your story and ask students to find other examples of how you used “used to”. Summarize the main points of using “used to”.

  Conditional statements: reviewing the first and second conditional

  Kenneth Beare










  MAKING conditional statements is an important part of fluency in English. This lesson focuses on helping students improve their recognition of the structure and use of it in conversation.

  Step One

  Ask students to imagine the following situation: You’ve arrived home late at night and you find that the door to your apartment is open. What would you do? The purpose of this is to refresh students’ awareness of the conditional in the introductory portion of the lesson.

  Step Two

  Have students read a prepared extract using conditionals. Ask them to underline all conditional structures. In groups, students complete a fill-in activity based on the previous reading. Correct the worksheets in small groups. Move about the room helping students with their corrections. Go over corrections as a class. Answer any questions they may have on the first and second conditional structure.

  Step Three

  In groups, have students prepare two “What if…” situations on a separate piece of paper. Ask students to employ first and second conditionals. Ask students to exchange their prepared situations with another group.

  Step Four

  Students in each group discuss the “what if...” situations. Move about the class and help them.


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