

Can we teach our students to be happy?

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  摘要:作者Marc Helgesen在阅读TIME杂志的过程中总结了可以使人快乐的八种途径,依据通俗心理学的原理,作者提出英语教学不应是枯燥的,教师要引导学生快乐地学习英语,并且提出了两个途径:(1)鼓励学生撰写快乐日志;(2)鼓励学生写感谢信。

  One researcher identifies eight specific behaviors happy people do.

  1.Notice good things in your life. Write down 3-5 of them every week.

  2.Practice kindness: do nice things for people. It makes you happier.

  3.Notice life’s joys. When something good happens, stop.

  4.Thank someone who has helped you. Who has been important in your life? A teacher or a parent. Write them a letter or tell them. Explain what they did for you. Say “thank you.”

  5.Learn to forgive. When someone does something bad to you, don’t hold the anger inside. Writing a letter to forgive someone is a good way.

  6.Take time with your friends and family. They love you. You love them. Let them know you appreciate them.

  7.Take care of your body. Get enough sleep and exercise. Do stretching, smiling and laughing.

  8.Learn ways to deal with problems. Remember, we all face problems. Learn to move past them.

  We don’t have to deal with issues like happiness, but I think it goes back to the idea that we don’t just teach English, we teach people. That is basic to humanistic language teaching. In light of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we should design activities to deal with self-actualization needs. I think if we can help learners feel positive, they are in a better position to learn. It also contributes to a positive class atmosphere - one where we help each other. And the students are using English.


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