International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2008
March 17 — 19, 2008
Hilton Hotel Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Institute of Modern Languages and Communications (IMLC), Multimedia University, Malaysia
Innovating Minds, Communicating Ideas: Reinventing Language Teaching & Learning
* To bring together academics, researchers, teachers and experts to share, collaborate on and study current and emerging ideas, practices and developments in language teaching and learning;
* To establish academic links and long-term partnerships and collaborations among the participants in terms of both teaching and research.
Plenary speakers
Malachi Edwin Vethamani, president of Malaysian English Language Teaching Association
Liam Brown, training and development manager for English & Exams Division, British Council
Call for papers
* Teaching of English as a Second Language
* Teaching Foreign Languages
* Language Teaching and Learning Theories
* Research in Language Teaching and Learning
* Multi Media in Language Teaching and Learning
* Computer Assisted Language Learning
* Curriculum and Syllabus Design
* Testing and Evaluation
* Intercultural Awareness in the Language Classroom
Deadline for submission of abstracts
December 31, 2007
Deadline for participation registration
February 15, 2008
For more information, go to