

创新词汇教学手法 习语搭配妙趣横生

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  Teaching idioms and collocations

  Jim Scrivener

  HOW about basing a whole class round a single word? The ideas below would work for many items but, for now, let’s use “green” as an example for lesson activities.

  * Green lists

  Step 1: Give students five minutes to work in threes and collect the names of twenty things that are typically green.

  Step 2: Tell them that you will give three points for every good word — but five points if the team is the only one to get that particular word.

  Step 3: Check at the end (You might choose to disallow arguable items, such as “my mum’s hat”).

  * Green idioms

  Step 1: Before class, use a dictionary to select four to six green idioms, e.g. green fingers.

  Step 2: Prepare a short story that includes use of the idioms, e.g. “…and everybody said that she had green fingers.” The context should help students to work out possible meanings.

  Step 3: Tell the class that you are going to tell them the same story three times and there will be some differences in the way you tell it (but don’t say what will be different).

  Step 4: Tell the story first time with all the green idioms. Don’t explain them. Allow a little time for students to react to the story, but don’t answer questions yet.

  Step 5: Tell the story a second time — don’t say the green idioms but instead substitute an alternative way of saying the same meaning, e.g. “… and everybody said she was naturally good at gardening.” For the third time tell it with the idioms again.

  Step 6: Put students into pairs and ask them if they can work out what was different between the stories. Get feedback and use this to teach the idioms.

  * Green collocations

  Step 1: Use a dictionary to find some compounds and collocations with green, e.g. green salad, greenhouse, green with envy.

  Step 2: Write all the non-green words (e.g. salad) on the blackboard. Add an incorrect one, e.g. a collocation with red, such as “herring”.

  Step 3: Give students a few minutes to study the blackboard and work out what the missing word is. When they agree on green, give ten minutes to use a dictionary to find out meanings of all the green words / phrases — and which one is the red herring.


  * 关于绿色的单词列表




  * 关于绿色的习语

  第一步:上课之前,教师查字典选择4至6个关于green的习语,如“green fingers”。






  * 关于绿色的固定搭配

  第一步:利用字典查找一些和green有关的合成词或固定搭配,如green salad, greenhouse, green with envy。


  第三步:给学生几分钟的时间研究黑板上的单词然后找到能和这些单词搭配的词。当他们一致认为这个词是green的时候,给他们10分钟的时间查字典找出这些搭配的含义,同时找到red herring。



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