

Making writing communicative

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  IDEAS for communicative writing tasks:

  Find ways to publish learners’ writing, on websites such as The British Council site Your texts,The BBC site Your stories. They can also publish in blogs, in newspapers, and on posters. Get learners to create individual and group profiles on social utility sites. Publish a class magazine of previous writing work.

  Encourage learners to write with a clear purpose and for a clear audience, for example in letters to newspapers, pen friends, to teachers and other students.

  Find challenging and rewarding tasks which can support a variety of learning aims and integrate other skills and language systems, such as summarizing, project work, translation, writing up notes from interviews, and preparing a briefing or talk.

  Use relevant and realistic tasks such as writing notes, recipes, e-mails, filling in forms and preparing signs for the class.

  Respond to the content of the work that your learners give you as well as correcting the errors they make, by adding your own comments to their homework or establishing a dialogue through e-mail and learner diaries.

  Make writing easier and more fun by doing group writing activities and group correction and editing of work. Process writing includes elements of this.




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