

拓宽习语教学思路 激发学生学习兴趣

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    编者按:本期本栏目精选了三例国外教师讲授英语习语的课堂实例,其中活泼的教学方式和多样的教学思路值得广大老师借鉴。  Figurative language: teaching idioms   Laurie Henry  IN this activity, students are asked to practice identifying metaphorical meanings of idioms, and in so doing improve their understanding of idioms.  Step 1: Ask students to brainstorm and discuss some idioms, drawing upon their personal experiences and background knowledge. The teacher should list all of the idioms on the blackboard during the discussion. Discuss how some idioms are passed down through generations. This discussion gives students a preliminary introduction to the historical meaning of idioms.  Step 2: Have the students select their favorite idioms from the list and draw literal representations of the phrases. For example, the idiom “rain cats and dogs” can be shown by drawing a picture of storm-clouds with cats and dogs falling as raindrops. Instruct the students to include the literal drawing on one side of a sheet of paper and to write the idiom on the back.  Step 3: The students present literal representations of their favorite idioms in turn while their classmates try to guess the idioms and determine the metaphorical meanings.  Step 4: The students work in pairs and select four to five idioms to research, using dictionaries or other resources.  Step 5: After researching the idioms, each pair of students selects one idiom and shares its origin as well as how it relates to the metaphorical meaning of the phrase. To ensure understanding of the metaphorical meaning, ask students to use each idiom in a sentence as well.  * Extensions  Develop an “Idiom Wall” where students can post idioms that they discover while reading.  此项活动让学生思考习语的比喻义,从而加深他们对习语的理解。  第一步:让学生联系个人经历以及相关背景知识集体讨论一些习语。老师把学生提到的习语写在黑板上,然后讨论这些习语是如何代代相传下来的。通过讨论,学生可以对习语的历史来源有一个初步的认识。  第二步:学生从黑板上所列的习语里选出自己最喜欢的习语,并用简单的图画表达其字面含义。例如,学生可以通过画乌云和“如雨点般”落下的猫和狗表达出“rain cats and dogs”这句习语的字面含义。老师可让学生将图画画在纸的一面,另一面写上图画所表达的习语。  第三步:学生依次展示自己的图画,其他同学猜测图画所代表的习语,并讨论该习语的比喻义。  第四步:学生每两人为一组合作,利用字典或其它参考资料研究四到五个习语的含义。  第五步:每组学生从各自研究的习语中选出一条,向全班同学解释其来源以及这个来源与该习语的比喻义之间的联系。老师可让讲解的学生用习语造句以便其他同学更好地理解其比喻义。  * 扩展练习  可制作一面“习语墙”,让学生将平时在阅读中遇到的习语贴在墙上。  Idiom match-up game   Jack Roberts  THIS activity helps students identify idioms and group idiomatic expressions according to different themes.  Step 1: Prepare a set of “Idiom Match-up Game Cards”, using one pair of blue and white cards for each pair of students in the class. If there are 30 students, for example, the teacher will need 15 blue cards and 15 white cards. On the white cards, write the first part of an idiom. For example, the white cards might include “once in a blue...”“hit the...”“blow one’s...” and so on. On the blue cards, write the word that completes each idiomatic expression. For instance, one should write the word “moon” on one card to complete the idiom “once in a blue moon”. The chosen idioms should reflect different themes, such as animal idioms, food idioms, clothes idioms and so on.  Step 2: The teacher distributes the blue and white cards, giving one card to each student in random order. When the teacher says “match-up”, the students should move around the room, trying to find the matching part of their idioms.  Step 3: As soon as two students “match” their idiom, they should sit down by each other. When all matches have been made, the students read their idioms aloud to the class.  Step 4: Make three columns on the blackboard. At the top of each column, write the name of a different category of idioms, such as animal idioms, food idioms and clothes idioms.  Step 5: Ask the students to come to the blackboard to write their idioms under the corresponding categories. Then ask them to explain what each idiom means.  这项活动的目的是考查学生识别习语并将其按照不同主题分类的能力。  第一步:准备一套以等量蓝卡和白卡组成的“习语配对卡”,每个学生应分得一张卡片。如果班里有30个学生,则需准备15张蓝卡和15张白卡。白卡上写有习语的前半部分,例如“once in a blue...”“hit the...”“blow one’s...”等;蓝卡上写有习语的后半部分,例如写上“moon”使得“once in a blue moon”这个习语搭配完整。所选的习语应当反映出不同的主题,如动物习语、食物习语、衣服习语等主题。  第二步:将准备好的蓝卡和白卡随机发给学生。当老师说“配对”的时候,学生起身活动,找到与自己卡片相配的另一半。  第三步:每两个学生配对好一句习语之后就相邻而坐。当所有的习语搭配都完成之后,学生向全班同学大声朗读各自的习语。  第四步:在黑板上画一个三栏表格,每栏顶端写上习语的类别,如动物习语、食物习语和衣服习语。  第五步:学生将自己的习语写到黑板上的相应类别里,然后解释每个习语的意义。  A speaking class to learn idioms  Lindsay Clandfield  THIS is a vocabulary and idiom activity aiming to highlight the metaphorical meanings of several phrases related to making mistakes.  Step 1: Prepare several “role cards” that describe different situations in which people make mistakes, and provide each situation with a useful idiom. The role card can be made to the following effect:  

Role Card

A: You want to ask someone(not B) out on a date, but you are nervous.

B: You're A's friend. You think it is a bad idea.

Idiom: You could fall flat on your face.

  Step 2: Construct multiple-choice items out of the idioms on the role cards. For example, “fall flat on one’s face” can be changed into “fall (fat/flat) on one’s face”.  Step 3: Prepare several topics that correlate the idioms with the students’ personal experiences, such as “Think of three times when you think you might fall flat on your face”. Print the topics on a paper, then copy and cut up each of the topics so as to distribute them to the class.  Step 4: Write the word “MISTAKES” on the blackboard. Elicit words and situations that students think of when the word “mistakes” is mentioned. List the words on the blackboard.  Step 5: Ask the students to role-play several situations in which people make mistakes. Put them into pairs. Assign each pair a role card. Give them a couple of minutes to think about what they are going to say. They must incorporate the phrases on the cards into the role-play.  Step 6: Distribute the worksheets of multiple-choice items to the students. Each pair performs their dialogue at the front of the classroom. As the students watch the role-plays, they should especially listen out for the idioms on their worksheets. They have to circle the correct words to make the idioms complete.  Step 7: After the role-plays, check students’ answers on their worksheets.  Step 8: Divide the class into groups. Give each group a set of the topics. Each person in the group must take a sentence at random and answer the question in a minute. This is a quick speaking activity to get the students using the new expressions.  这是一项练习词汇和习语的活动,旨在让学生学习一些与“犯错误”有关的习语的比喻意义。  第一步:准备若干描述人们犯错误时各种场景的角色分配卡,为每个场景提供一句习语。角色卡可依如下样式制作:  

Role Card

A: You want to ask someone(not B) out on a date, but you are nervous.

B: You're A's friend. You think it is a bad idea.

Idiom: You could fall flat on your face.

  第二步:利用角色卡上的习语出选择题。例如“fall flat on one’s face”这句习语可以改为这样一道题目:“fall (fat/flat) on one’s face”。  第三步:准备几个能将习语和学生个人经历相结合的话题,例如“Think of three times when you think you might fall flat on your face.”。写出这些话题,打印并复印,然后把每条话题剪下,以便分发给学生。  第四步:在黑板上写上MISTAKES一词。引导学生思考与“错误”相关的词汇和情况。把学生所想到的词写到黑板上。  第五步:让学生分角色表演人们在不同情况下犯错误的情形。将学生分为两人一组,每组分得一张角色卡。学生花几分钟的时间思考要说的内容,并在准备过程中把角色卡上的习语应用到对话中。  第六步:将选择题发给学生。学生上台表演对话。其他学生观看表演的同时要特别注意对话中出现的习语,并为题目中相应的习语选择正确搭配。  第七步:所有学生表演完后,核对答案。  第八步:将学生分为若干组,每组分到之前准备的几条话题。小组内的每个学生都抽选一个话题作答,限定在一分钟之内回答完毕。这项快速答题的活动目的在于让学生尽快掌握这些习语。      

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