This column introduces world-famous English language teaching, testing and studying organizations.
IATEFL stands for the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Founded in the UK in 1967, it now has over 3,500 members in over 100 different countries throughout the world. Its mission is to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals throughout the world. IATEFL does this through:
* a range of regular publications. These include six copies of the magazine IATEFL Voices and a free publication per year;
* holding an Annual International Conference with an extensive program of talks and workshops, which attract over 1,400 delegates;
* offering members the chance to join any number of 14 Special Interest Groups (SIGs);
* providing members with reduced rates on a number of selected professional journals;
* offering scholarships to specific groups of teachers to enable them to attend the Annual Conference;
* linking with associated professional organizations in other countries;
* providing help to others in forming or developing a local teachers’ organization.
Membership is open to anyone involved in the English Language Teaching industry. Members include teachers, lecturers, teacher trainers, academic managers, researchers and institutions.
IATEFL subscriptions
* Individual: £45 ($80)
* Retired: £29.5 ($52)
* Student: £29.5 ($52)
* Institutional: £140 ($248)
SIG subscriptions
If you wish to add a SIG to your current membership please contact Glenda Smart on