Some of these oils block out so many of the sun’s rays you can stay in the sun all day without burning - but you won’t go very brown, either.
Bergasol will protect your skin like an ordinary suntan oil. But Bergasol oil also has a tan accelerator which comes from the oil of the Bergamot fruit. It speeds up the rate at which the sun activates the skin cells that produce melanin. And it is melanin which gives the skin its brown colour.
So when you use Bergasol suntan oil you go brown faster, and as the days pass the difference will become more and more obvious.
It makes you go brown faster.
In 2010, most of the people in the southern United States will escape the fires, heat, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow, and flooding by heading north to the Arctic Ocean where they will settle in the resort city of Tuktoyaktuk... In June, tourists in Tuktoyaktuk will love to suntan for 20 hours a day in real sunshine.
以上两篇文章都提到同一种现象:suntan(晒黑)。第一篇文章指出Bergasol牌防晒油的特点是可以让使用者的皮肤迅速变成古铜色,并使用大段文字反复描述这个特点,如“Bergasol oil also has a tan accelerator which comes from the oil of the Bergamot fruit.” “So when you use Bergasol suntan oil you go brown faster, and as the days pass the difference will become more and more obvious.” “It makes you go brown faster.”从中可以看出,Bergasol牌防晒油能让使用者白皙的皮肤迅速变成古铜色,这是其最大卖点。
在第二篇文章中,作者特别提到In June, tourists in Tuktoyaktuk will love to suntan for 20 hours a day in real sunshine.而且使用了love一词,可见游客对suntan不是一般喜欢,而是酷爱。
英、汉语中都有不少问候语。英语常用的问候语有Hi! Hello! How are you? Good morning!等,汉语的除了问好外,还有“吃过饭了吗”“去哪儿啊”“干吗呢”等,这并非是要了解对方隐私,只是招呼而已,即使是提及对方年龄的问候语也很普遍,如“您老这么大岁数,身体还这么硬朗。”这是一句带有恭维意思的话,老人听了会很高兴。如果照字面翻译成英语:“You are in such an old age but you are still in good health.”西方人本就对年龄非常敏感,尤其是老人,一个but就够煞风景,更不必说old了。他们会认为是说老人健康不正常,与“老不死的”没什么两样!
谈论的话题同样也体现出文化差异。如有的中国学生和英美人聊天时常会问“What’s your name?”“Where are you from?”等问题,但是这些常被视为隐私,尤其是初次见面的时候,这样对话就难以进行下去,因此选择合适的话题非常重要。一般来说,婚恋、年龄、宗教信仰、经济状况等方面的问题都不宜作为谈话内容,特别是在双方不大熟悉的情况下。了解禁忌语和禁忌话题,对于避免文化冲突有重要意义。
中国人以谦虚为美德,听到赞扬的话,总是表现得很谦虚或反复否认,不会像外国人那样坦然道谢。如外教表扬某学生的英语说得好时,如果回答“No,just so so.”或“Oh,no. My English is very poor.”,会让听者认为答话人在嘲笑自己不分好坏,缺乏审美观和鉴赏力,因此答话人此时应像英美人一样欣然接受,一个简单的“Thanks.”会令对方如遇知音。