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21st Century ELT Review's guide to English language teaching, testing and study organizations.

THE Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association (FEELTA) is a professional organization founded in 1995. Its mission is to strengthen the teaching and learning of English in the Russian Far East, to promote the professional development of EFL teachers, to support networking with colleagues all over the world, and to give access to the latest EFL resources. FEELTA headquarters is in the Institute of Foreign Languages, Far Eastern National University, Vladivostok, Russia. At present, FEELTA has 500 members all over the world.

FEELTA’s premier event is the international conference, which is held every other year and attracts some 500 participants.

Among other FEELTA activities are an annual English Language “Talent Show” for secondary students, a Winter EFL Methodology School offering a number of workshops and seminars on new trends in language and culture teaching, and publishers’ seminars to give teachers knowledge of the latest textbooks and other teaching resources.

FEELTA is eager to expand its connections with overseas colleagues by forming partnerships with international professional organizations.


Your FEELTA membership offers you quick access to the EFL news, recent teaching styles and constant communication with ELT communities. FEELTA members receive FEELTA Newsletter quarterly and pay reduced registration fees (50 percent discount) at FEELTA conferences, seminars and workshops. Overseas colleagues can join FEELTA for a fee of $50 per year. Please contact Stephen Ryan at ryanyama@hcc5.bai.ne.jp.


E-mail: feeltacon@dvgu.ru

Website: feelta.wl.dvgu.ru

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