
Street Wise

Love story has final twist ?it's a lie!

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SOME called it the greatest love story ever told: A Jewish boy named Herman Rosenblat survives in a Nazi concentration camp on food thrown to him by a girl hiding in a tree. Separated after several years, the two eventually reunite 10 years later on a blind date. Sound too good to be true? Apparently, it is. Just as Rosenblat was about to publish a book about his "angel at the fence", the US magazine The New Republic cast doubt on the love story, which Rosenblat first told in the 1990s. "The story is a made-up story," Professor Kenneth Waltzer, the director of the Jewish studies program at Michigan State University, told the magazine. "So far as I can discern, it didn’t happen." Rosenblat, 79, has released a statement, explaining his actions: "I wanted to bring happiness to people [and] make good in this world."
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