对于好的句子,教师可以要求学生进行仿写。例如,从山上看,这座城市已经变成了废墟。Seen from the mountain, the city has become ruins.又如,没有细心的报纸阅读训练,很多学生做阅读理解只能靠猜测。Without the practice of careful reading, many students do reading comprehension depending on imagination.这两个练习的目标在于帮助学生积累有效的句式,增强学以致用的意识。学生可以通过自主学习和合作探究的方式完成这些练习。学生在完成阅读的同时,也加强了对篇章的理解和知识的积累,将精读中所学的词汇和语法知识通过泛读内化为自己的语言。
对于一篇记叙性的文章,教师要考查学生对文章的整体理解可以如此设计问题:What did the successful manager choose finally? / Is she satisfied with her own choice? Why?
(3)用原文中的单词补全改写的文段。例如,教师可以设计如下练习帮助学生巩固所学的单词。This is a story about a father and his son from India. The boy used to be the brightest student in his class, because he was ______ in every competition. But things changed after he was _______ from home and _____ the boarding school. He ____ groups and his ____ started dropping, which was because he felt ______ and lonely. 篇章的练习是报刊阅读关键点所在,教师可以参考精读课文的多种练习形式,通过不同的练习方式复现学生所读的内容,以达到熟练的目的,让学生体会英语词语的美。