为了培养学生综合运用英语的能力,这套教材强调高质量的语言输入和多样化的语言训练。语言输入力求彰显时代气息,体现了趣味性、经典性和挑战性。透过教材,不仅是学生,教师也能从中获得很多新的信息。我们中国人提倡背书,所谓“读书百遍,其义自见”。我们也曾反复跟学生强调背诵的好处,但是现在的年轻人一般不愿意背诵,如果还要求他们死背,那效果也不会太好。但语言的操练需要重复,因此《新标准大学英语》通过变化的方法来实现重复练习的要求。例如,在词汇学习中,有matching,blank filling and replacing;在阅读里面,有reading and understanding还有reading and interpreting,就是在一个text中让学生反复回答问题,加深印象。众所周知,输入不等于输出。学生在输入的时候,不能够将其自动转换为输出,需要老师提供“脚手架”,从旁协助,为学生提供渐进式的训练,帮助他们将输入变为输出。《新标准大学英语》设计的练习循序渐进,通过多样性活动,加强学生的学习效果。
在《英语》(新标准)教材中,任务都是有支架的,而且支架根据任务难度等有不同形式和内容。对于一个制作 a poster of your favourite animal的任务,《英语》(新标准)给出了过程、语言的支架,即:1.Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite animal. What’s your favourite animal? My favourite animal is the ...2. Find out about your favourite animal. My favourite animal comes from Asia / Africa ... It lives in the desert / in the forest ... It eats meat / grass / bamboo / ...3. Make a poster of your favourite animal. Draw it or find a photo. 4. Show and talk about the poster to other students.这里有合理的过程支架,也有必需的语言支架……显然学生完全能够按照要求完成任务。若老师们觉得任务不适合自己的学生,则可以根据教材内容,重新设计任务……学生能有话可说,而且可能根据自己的语言能力、语言优势来确定是书面表达还是口头陈述。教师调整设计任务时,可以参照前述的任务设计方法,同时参照《英语》(新标准)类似任务的支架,根据课文内容,设计任务、以及完成任务所需的支架。
文/鲁子问 华中师范大学北京研究院副院长、博导、教授,《英语》(新标准)小学、初中教材中方副主编
The Joy of Training Teachers in China
WORKING with Chinese Primary and Middle school teachers has been very much a part of my life for the last 10 years. It all started in Guilin in August 2003 where I had been invited by Simon Greenall and FLTRP to attend a Primary school teachers?conference as an experienced Cambridge teacher trainer from the UK. They were facing the prospect of having to implement a 詎ew curriculum?of which they knew little about.
FLTRP followed this conference with a much larger conference for Junior Middle school and Senior High teachers. This was the beginning of many training opportunities offering a new approach to training, which was equally unfamiliar from normal classroom expectations of teaching.
I had the privilege of travelling and working with Chinese trainers and giving interactive workshops for teachers on how to use the new JH course book with new fun learning ideas to incorporate with the course material to make it come alive and take it off the page. I worked with groups from 300 to a thousand and aimed to show that if I could do activities with that many, they could do it with more students. New Standard English 1st edition had just been launched and course books such as this had never been seen before.
This experience led me to working on training courses with Primary and Middle school teachers at the Beijing Institute of Education sponsored by the British Council. This was a wonderful experience where we had time to work with teachers over a period of two/ three weeks. We also had a chance to give them the opportunity to teach using the methodology in large groups. FLTRP donated a full set of NSE JH course books and materials for the teachers to use in micro-teaching.
We helped the teaching groups prepare lessons from the books using integrating methodology learnt on the course. They were taught in groups where teachers worked as a team, taking different stages of the lesson. This was an invaluable new experience as training previously was linked primarily to observation, not 詃oing it?themselves. Experimenting in safety meant they were more likely to try things out in their own classes.
Since that day, much has changed across China. The teaching and materials are now familiar. Being different from other classes, encouraging students to speak and interact is not so strange now. Doing research, observing classes in urban and rural schools and talking to teachers and trainers across the country for the British Council, it was exciting to see how far things had moved forward. Many of their initial anxieties, such as the conflict of preparing students for exams, are still problematic. Others, such as class sizes and implementing curriculum methodology, have changed and are less worrisome. Much concern all around had been expressed about the lack of guidance in teachers?books on using course books and its key importance.
As a result, I feel lucky to have been able to write the new edition teachers?book for the first three JH course books. I say lucky as I have been able to incorporate ideas from Chinese teachers I have worked with, as well as methodology and guidance to help teachers activate text material and make it come alive.