本文作者: 21ST
北京市史家胡同小学 李泓锦
北京市海淀区万泉小学 吴海颐
参加模联在我心里埋下了梦想的种子。联合国秘书长潘基文曾说过:Young people should dream high. If you lower your dream, you will finally end up there.青少年志向高远,应胸怀世界和平与发展的远大理想!
北京市昌平区前锋学校(中国政法大学附属学校) 李兆萱
From March 9th to 12th, I attended the 10th Montessori Model United Nations New York Conference. It was really a wonderful and fantastic experience.
I was with the delegation of Afghanistan in the World Health Organization committee. Our topic was Ending the Epidemics Aids, Malaria and other Diseases. I chose to attend this committee, because I was really interested in this topic.
The delegation of Afghanistan has six delegates. In order to succeed in this agenda, we did a lot of hard work and made great efforts to achieve our dream —let the world hear the voice of Afghanistan.
For the closing ceremony, all the delegates went to the United Nations headquarters for the final voting. When the draft resolutions were announced passed by majority, all the delegates applauded. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life, and I suddenly felt the responsibility of creating a better world resting upon my shoulders.
I know that I could not change the world by myself, but I will try my best to make my contribution which exactly embodies the motto of MMUN — Inspiring youth to create a better world. I would like to thank all the teachers who gave me encouragement and took care of me during this trip. I could not have done so well without their support.
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