本文作者: 李倩
浮生若梦,情如流水,爱似桃花。近日,由杨幂、赵又廷等主演的古装神话电视剧《三生三世十里桃花》热播,引发全民追更。电视剧讲述青丘帝姬白浅和九重天太子夜华历经三生三世爱恨纠葛、终成眷属的故事。同时,该剧网络热度也居高不下,演员、剧情、道具等都吸“睛”有道,如“蛇吻”“跳诛仙台”等,花式登上热搜榜。 电视剧备受追捧,《三生三世十里桃花》原小说也不甘示弱。据了解,这部小说有数以亿计的忠实书迷,在线阅读点击数达10亿次。此外,2016年8月23日,《三生三世十里桃花》小说英文版本在美国亚马逊上市,占据Asian Literature类别畅销榜第三名。 《三生三世十里桃花》英文版译名为《To The Sky Kingdom》,译者Poppy Toland是名学过中文的英国人。译文风格简洁直白,以平铺直叙手法讲故事。如英文序言:When the immortal Bai Qian finally meets her intended husband, the heir to the Sky Throne, she considers herself in luck—until an old enemy returns to threaten everything she holds dear…… 从销量和影响力来看,这本小说仍只是小众读物。从美国亚马逊的书评来看,《To The Sky Kingdom》得到了不少阅读者的称赞。其中有位名叫“Debbie”的书迷高度赞扬了该书,认为它是“gorgeous, lyrical, and ambitious novel based in Chinese mythology”(一部华丽、抒情,且富含野心的神话小说)。 但是,也有不少网友表示,译文在体现仙侠世界的古典诗境方面不着点墨,未免是一种遗憾。古文之风韵,如微风过箫,又如红蕖照水,美不胜收。因此古诗词翻译不仅讲究达意,更追求传美。正如翻译大家许渊冲先生提出的“三美”所言,翻译要讲“意美、音美、形美”。 据了解,要从词汇和韵律两个层面将小说的诗性还原并不容易。但是,也有人尝试用英语对《三生三世十里桃花》小说的诗意进行了复刻。这名译者便是南京大学英语系讲师陈星,她是爱丁堡大学英语文学博士,研究方向为莎士比亚及英国文艺复兴文学。陈星译有英国作家多丽丝•莱辛的《好邻居日记》和《这原是老酋长的国度》,以及毛姆的《作家笔记》和卡波蒂的《别的声音,别的房间》等作品。 陈星《三生三世十里桃花》的译文被分享到网络之后,赢得了不少赞誉。网友“友邻克莱”表示:“除在用词上保留原作美感外,译文在断句中还运用了押韵,能读出诗的节奏感,让人想起莎翁的台词。” 所谓“各花入各眼,各耳听各言”,两名译者的作品均获得了不少《三生三世十里桃花》书迷的肯定。究竟译作是否译得妥当、传神?不妨仔细品读译文再作判断。 陈星译文摘编: 三生三世,十里桃花 Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms. 累世情缘,谁捡起,谁抛下,谁忘前尘,谁总牵挂。 忆当时年华,谁点相思,谁种桃花。 This fated love of forever and a day— Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away? Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay? Those days bygone and labyrinthine— Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine? Who was in the peach orchard,raising flowers divine? 你父君是我的心,我的肝,我的宝贝甜蜜饯儿。我又怎会不要他? His highness your father is my heart, my soul, my precious, my sweet. How would I not want him? 这正是桃花盛开的季节。 十里桃林,漫山遍野的灼灼芳华。 It is the season when peach trees come into full bloom. Over hills, over vales, acres of peach trees parade, acres of peach blossoms, radiant and sweet. 三月春盛,烟烟霞霞。 灼灼桃花虽有十里,但一朵放在心上,足矣。 In the lush spring of March, the radiant peach blossoms bloom, like rosy mists and blushing clouds.However many blossoms there are, it is enough to have just one, to be cherished in one’s heart. 风月里的计谋不算计谋,情趣罢了; 风月里的情趣不算情趣,计谋罢了。 In affairs of the heart, scheming is not at all scheming, only part of the play; while playfulness is never just playfulness, but part of the scheme. 四海八荒,总是会有一个人,一定会有这么一个人,他会把你的名字叫得婉转温柔,荡气回肠。 In the vast universe (Four Seas and Eight Deserts), there will—there must—be someone who, when he calls your name, gives it such delight, such tenderness, such soul-stirring pathos. 光晕一层一层,打出斑驳的印记。桃林十里,娇烂漫红,千朵浓芳,一枝枝缀乱云霞。那烟霞底下立着的玄衣青年,眉如泼墨,鬓若刀裁。 Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife. 夜华行色匆匆,淡薄之间隐含亲切,疏离之间暗藏婉约,如此神态,以我十多万年所见的风月经验,定是会佳人去了。 Ye Hua went off in a hurry just now. He looked nonchalant and distant, but there was a heartiness to that nonchalance and a coyness to that distance. I know, from my observations of romantic affairs—accumulated, I may add, over a hundred thousand years—that with that air and look, he must have been on his way to meet a fair lady. 桃花灼灼,枝叶蓁蓁,妖娆伤眼。 The peach blossoms are radiant, the leaves luxuriant, their allure stunning. | ![]() |
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