Mexico set for ACLA 2007
本文作者: 21ST
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting 2007
April 19 to 22, 2007
Puebla, Mexico
Trans, Pan, Inter: Cultures in Contact
Keynote speaker
Rosa Beltrn, a Mexican writer, journalist, translator, and professor of comparative literature , National Autonomous University (UNAM), Mexico
Topic areas
*Literary translation: textual and contextual;
*Across art forms and disciplines: theory and practice;
*Travel literature;
*Challenges of non-Western cultures to critical theory;
*Gendered transactions: literary and cultural constructions of sex and sexuality;
*Comparative approaches to American literatures;
*Colonialism and classicism;
*Popular culture and literature;
*Ecocritical approaches in comparative context.
*National Autonomous University, Puebla, Mexico;
*University of California, Los Angeles, US;
*University of Houston, Texas, US;
*Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, US.
Background information
The American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), founded in 1960, is the principal learned society in the United States for scholars whose work involves several literatures and cultures as well as the premises of cross-cultural literary study itself.
The ACLA is affiliated with the American Council of Learned Societies, the Association of Departments and Programmes of Comparative Literature, the International Comparative Literature Association, the Modern Language Association, and the National Humanities Alliance. The membership of the ACLA currently stands at one thousand world wide.
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