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Hi-tech products take teaching innovation awards

本文作者: 21ST
     由英国文化协会主办的英语语言教学创新奖近日揭晓。三款应用了多媒体技术的英语教学产品获得大奖。该奖项旨在鼓励英语语言教学新创意和新资源的开发,被誉为英语教育领域的“奥斯卡”奖。   THREE high-tech products have triumphed at the British Council’s English language teaching innovation awards (known as the “ELTONS”) announced recently in London, UK.   “ELTONS” are offered to outstanding new language learning resources that use innovative ideas to help English learners achieve their goals. The products, “the Cambridge Grammar of English”CD-ROM and book, “Language Gardening” CD-ROM, and “ICT in the Classroom” online course were hailed as the most innovative products in ELT field in this year’s “ELTONS”.   Professor Ronald Carter, from the University of Nottingham, UK, who has worked on “the Cambridge Grammar of English” for the past 10 years, said he believed it was the first time there had been a “fanfare for grammar”.   “For the first time we are beginning to understand the grammar of the spoken word of English and how that is different from and similar to the grammar of written English,” Carter said.   A recent report commissioned by the British Council has shown that despite increasing competition from other countries, the UK is still seen as the leading destination for learning English and the centre of innovative product development in the industry.   The council’s chairman Neil Kinnock said: “One of the reasons the UK maintains its position is because it’s known as the home of English language teaching and the centre of innovative product and materials development. The ELTONS, now in its 5th year, celebrates this fact.”   无标题文档

ELTONS Winners

1.The Cambridge Grammar of English CD-ROM and book
Cambridge University Press - Alison Sharpe, Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy
Using ground-breaking language research, it offers clear explanations of spoken and written English, based on real everyday usage.
2. Language Gardening CD-ROM
Language Garden -David Warr
This CD uses language plants extensively. It is fully interactive, with   a myriad of different activities, and suitable for all ages. Each lesson focuses on a syntax structure.
3. ICT in the Classroom online course
The Consultants-E - Nicky Hockly and Gavin Dudeney
This online course aims to provide teachers with practical, hands-on experience in how to start using ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in their own teaching. The course looks at a range of useful skills and tools which are immediately applicable in the classroom.



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