Hispanics say they don’t reject the American way of life
本文作者: 21ST
“THEY don’t want to learn English” is a favored refrain among anti-immigrant forces seeking to restrain new immigration into the United States. If the anti-immigrationists are to be believed, Hispanics as a group resist assimilation and the American way of life. But contrary to these beliefs, a new survey jointly conducted by the New Generation Latino Consortium (NGLC) and New American Dimensions (NAD) in the US reveals that young Latinos in the US embrace English language and American culture.
“Many in the anti-immigration movement incorrectly characterize all Hispanics as rejecters of English who resist the impulse to become American,” notes David Morse, president and CEO of NAD. “It’s simply not true. Our study shows that young, US-born Hispanics are submerging themselves in American culture wholesale. Although they may participate in the popular culture of two different languages, there is a clear preference for English.”
The study, “New Generation Latino Media Habits,” measures the attitudes and behavior of young Hispanics regarding, language, media and culture.
It shows that there is a clear preference for English when young Latinos choose print and electronic media. All the top magazine and newspaper titles that young Latinos read the most are English-language publications. For electronic media, seven in 10 prefer the Internet in English, while nearly eight in 10 prefer video game content in English.
The study also demonstrates that English-language TV and cable networks edge out Spanish-language television greater than two to one as most often watched among young Latinos. Forty percent watch broadcast networks and 34 percent watch cable networks the most often, while only 15 percent of young Latinos watch Spanish-language TV most often.
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