丰富听力课堂内容 注重兴趣与技巧相结合
本文作者: 21ST
Using film and video clips Clare Lavery 编者按:听力是英语课堂教学的重头戏,但是学生往往对听力练习兴趣淡漠。只有激发学生的兴趣和主动性,并让他们切身感受到听有所得,听力教学才能达到理想的效果。本栏目精选了三例国外教师帮助学生提高听力的教学案例,从激发兴趣、教学安排、课堂活动三个方面探讨听力教学改革方案。 FILM and video are very effective ways of both motivating our students and helping them to understand language. But they do need to be used with care and an understanding of both the dangers and the potential involved. Here are some tips to guide you. Preparation *Pay attention to the length. Don’t exceed five minutes of film. *Run through the material. Estimate the time students will take to do each activity and how many times you will need to show the clip. *Set a context. If your clip comes from a sequence or part of a story, set the scene before starting. *Have an aim. Why are you using the clip? *Give students a concrete task. This helps them concentrate on the clip. *Help students guess meanings of words and expressions by means of plot, facial expressions, etc. Useful activities *Making students predict the language being used can be useful and motivating. You may do this with the following steps. Step 1: Give them the script with key items (expressions/verbs/key words) removed. Step 2: Let them view the clip with sound off and use the visual clues to brainstorm the missing items. Step 3: Let them view it with sound on to check predictions and complete the task. *After finishing the first activity, you may get students to role-play the film. Step 1: Assign roles to each student. Step 2: Give each person a script corresponding to their part in the clip and put them in groups to practice their roles. Step 3: Let them perform without scripts. If some students are not keen on role-play, you may make them directors with the whole script as long as they speak English and take part in the show. 看英文电影是一个有效激发学生练习听力兴趣的方法。但是老师该如何把握听力课堂中电影片段的使用呢?本文作者建议,老师在备课时应该注意以下六个方面的问题。 1.电影片段时间长短以五分钟为宜。 2.对于训练时间及电影片段播放次数做好计划。 3.如果选取的电影片段是情节的中间环节,提前给学生讲清楚大意。 4.播放电影片段之前要设定目标,知道自己选用这段电影的教学目的。 5.给学生布置具体的任务,这样有助于他们集中精力练习听力。 6.引导和帮助学生根据情节猜测词义。 课堂练习: 一、 让学生预测电影片断中的语言 第一步:发给学生电影片段的剧本,但要提前把需要重点讲解的短语、动词或关键词删掉。 第二步:播放电影片段,一定要关掉声音,让学生根据情节和画面猜想内容。 第三步:播放电影片段,放出声音,让学生检查上一步的结果(可根据具体情况多播放几次)。 二、 通过角色扮演调动学生的兴趣 第一步:给学生分配要扮演的人物角色。 第二步:让学生根据台词演出情景剧。 第三步:让学生熟记台词,脱稿完成演出。 不愿参加角色扮演的学生可以担任“导演”,让他们自由发挥来配合情景剧的完成。 Dividing a listening exercise into three parts Neil Coghlan Part 1 — the pre-listening stage *Choose interesting listening materials. *Prepare your students. a) Give them background information. Don’t leave your students in the dark while listening. Their cultural knowledge needs to be as complete as is feasible in a lesson. b) Pre-teach vocabulary. When we listen to something, we usually understand the topic and have plenty of topic vocabulary. Your students also need to be prepared. *Give them a real reason to listen. Not just to complete a gap-fill exercise. Have them make predictions about what they are about to hear. Part 2 — the while-listening stage *Use visual clues. These can be in the form of flashcards, photos or maps or whatever is felt appropriate. *Consider video. Videos and teacher-friendly DVDs may help provide some of the visual aids that are otherwise missing with cassettes and CDs. *Don’t set traps. You should set tasks for students so that they encourage effective listening, and are not traps that the students could fall into and which could be detrimental to their motivation. *Vary the task set. Keep your students guessing. Mix up what you ask them to do. Gap-fills, matching and multiple choices are fine. But also ask your students to convert information they hear into a map, a picture or a form to be filled out. *Make tasks manageable. Listening can be divided up or the typescript can be used to ease students into a task. Part 3 — the after-listening stage *Teamwork is better. Get students to first check answers to any comprehension tasks in pairs or groups. *Feedback is vital. If the teacher merely stops the cassette/CD, gives the answers and moves on, it makes a mess of all the pre-listening preparation that has been done. *Integrating the listening part of the lesson. It is a good idea to use listening as part of an integrated skills approach. This is where the listening is used as a springboard onto other activities such as writing or role-plays, which share the same topic. 一、 前期准备 1.挑选有趣的听力材料。 2.为学生做如下准备工作: a)讲解和听力材料相关的背景信息。 b)讲解听力材料中出现的生词。 3.告诉学生不要仅以完成填空题为目的,引导他们对于听力材料内容做预测。 二、 中间环节 1.在学生做听力时,尽可能地找一些和内容有关的教具来激发他们的兴趣。 2.选择录像或者DVD影碟作为听力材料来丰富课堂内容。 3.提问学生问题的时候避免设“陷阱”,那样只会打消他们练习的积极性。 4.选用形式多样的练习题型。除了填空、和选择之外,不妨试试填图之类的题目。 5.布置难度适中的听力任务。 三、 后期指导 1.听完一篇材料之后,让学生先来分组讨论检查答案是否正确。 2.避免一听完就直接告诉学生答案的做法,要及时从学生那里得到信息的回馈才能了解他们对于材料的理解程度。 3.不妨把听力材料的话题和写作或者角色扮演等联系结合起来,这样学生就可以把听说读写作为一个整体来训练得以提高了。 Classroom exercises for enhancing students’ listening skills Laura Bates Peer dialogues Students are interested in talking about their current research project. Thus teachers should take advantage of it and make them listen to others?? words to improve their listening abilities. You may do this in the following way. Step 1: Have students get into pairs at the mid-point in their work on a term project or major research paper. Step 2: Ask student A to speak for five minutes, describing the main points of his/her work to student B, who is instructed to listen attentively, without taking notes. Step 3: Reverse roles — B describes her/his work to A. Step 4: Have each give a brief description of his/her peer??s project, as he/she understands it — noting areas of confusion or gaps in understanding. Step 5: Let students discuss what they have said and heard, and check information that they??ve missed. Reading students’ papers The following exercise involves reading students?? papers aloud. Students?? attention will be heightened since they are unable to predict when their own work will be read and they are curious about others?? reaction. Step 1: Choose several students to do the listening. Assign one student ??respondent?? to identify the main point or argument of the paper; assign a second to note the use of supportive details or examples; and assign a third to point out effective phrasing. The other students may be judges. Step 2: As each paper is read, ask the class to suggest an appropriate title. This exercise is especially valuable for creative writing or composition essays. By titling a paper, students?? abilities to do listening comprehension will be improved. Step 3: Make the students listen, without paper and pen in hand, to each essay being read aloud. After each reading, ask them to recall effective details, noting especially sensual imagery such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch. Reading to your students You may bring outside texts to class to read to your students yourself. Short illustrations, discussions, humor, or your own original writing can be considered. Students see extracurricular readings of this type as a little ??gift?? from the teacher, and they show their appreciation by listening attentively. 一、学生分组对话 学生们一般热衷于讨论他们当前正在做的研究项目,老师可以抓住这一点來帮助学生在听同伴的描述时练习听力。以下是作者建议的练习步骤: 第一步:把学生按每两人分成一组。 第二步:让其中一名学生就其研究的内容进行五分钟的发言,另一名学生在听发言的时候不能记笔记。 第三步:让两名学生角色互换,重复上一步。 第四步:让两名学生分别说出自己对对方发言内容的理解,老师要注意到那些让学生感到困惑的内容。 第五步:让学生通过讨论弄明白对方想要表达的意思。 二、在课堂上朗读学生的作文 当老师在课堂上朗读学生的作文的时候,学生的注意力会高度集中。老师可以按照以下步骤去做: 第一步:选择几位学生来做听力理解,给他们布置明确的听力任务。比如,让第一名学生找出文章大意;第二名注意细节和例证;第三名找出特定的短语词汇,其他学生作为评委判断他们说的是否正确。 第二步:在听完每篇文章之后,要求每位学生为这篇文章拟定题目,这样可以训练学生的听力理解能力。 第三步:在学生听完文章之后,给出题目要求他们回忆听到的细节问题。比如,文章中出现的描述感觉的词语。 三、为学生朗读课外材料 学生上课时总是对于来自课本之外的内容特别感兴趣,老师可以选取一些故事、评论或是自己写的文章在课堂上读给学生听。学生将这些内容视为“礼物”,从而会增加学习兴趣。 | ![]() |
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